Mélenchon welcomes the increase in taxes for the richest

Mélenchon welcomes the increase in taxes for the richest
Mélenchon welcomes the increase in taxes for the richest

Jean-Luc Mélenchon sees in the “exceptional contribution” requested by the government from the most fortunate the “ideological victory” of his camp.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to see this as his “ideological victory”. In a blog note published this Monday, October 14, the leader of La insoumise welcomed the tax increase requested by the government from the most “fortunate” French people in the 2025 budget.

“The Barnier budget recognizes our ideological victory, for us anti-liberals,” writes Jean-Luc Mélenchon on his site. “The tax on the rich is rehabilitated and that on corporate superprofits too,” he rejoices.

“The amounts don’t matter: it’s the reasoning that counts,” he says, estimating that Michel “Barnier has buried the prohibitions and taboos of the liberalism of Macronist governments.”

“Agony of an era”

“The budget shows more than painful figures. Above all, I see the agony of an era. That of the liberal imposture that was still triumphant yesterday. Nothing remains of its initial promise,” insists the former presidential candidate. the presidential election.

According to the finance bill presented by the government last week, a “exceptional contribution” will be requested from nearly 25,000 tax householdsthose with the highest incomes.

“This targeted mechanism will apply to taxpayers subject to the exceptional contribution on high incomes (CEHR), namely those whose reference income exceeds 250,000 euros for a single person and 500,000 euros for a couple,” explains the executive.

The objective is to establish a minimum tax rate of 20% of total income, filling the remaining percentages after accumulation of income tax and CEHR. This temporary system will be applied “for a period of three years, with a view to supporting the trajectory of recovery of public finances”.



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