Discover the letter from distribution bosses sent to Emmanuel Macron

Discover the letter from distribution bosses sent to Emmanuel Macron
Discover the letter from distribution bosses sent to Emmanuel Macron

This time, food distributors intend to weigh in on the debate on the Egalim reform, triggered since the agricultural crisis at the start of the year. United within the FCD, they asked to meet the President of the Republic. Revealed by The letter This May 14, this request takes shape in a letter that LSA obtained and published in its entirety (see below).

800,000 jobs, 30,000 stores, 10 million customers per day: the big names in mass distribution start by recalling the economic weight of the sector, before getting to the heart of the matter. Recognizing that mass distribution is a “ key and structuring partner of the agricultural and agri-food sectors », they also point out that it represents less than half of French agricultural outlets. “As such, “ the issues of value distribution cannot be analyzed through the sole prism of annual commercial negotiations “.

Therefore, how can we reform the Egalim law, the first version of which dates back to 2018 and on which the government has tasked two deputies with a mission of reflection? “ Return to the Egalim triptych: compulsory written contractualization, non-negotiability of agricultural raw materials and transparency at all stages of the negotiationnot “. Knowing that it is necessary to improve agricultural income and knowing the sensitivity of the President of the Republic on the subject, who may have shown little kindness towards large-scale distribution, the four bosses of the main food brands confirm their desire to take their share of responsibility. Not without highlighting in passing the sector’s necessary investments in decarbonization or even digitalization and the rise of skills, which they estimate at 20 billion euros per year. while the sector only has an investment capacity of 10 billion euros “. Perhaps not the best place to recall it…

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