Couple banned from airline for harassing female passenger mid-flight

Couple banned from airline for harassing female passenger mid-flight
Couple banned from airline for harassing female passenger mid-flight

A couple have been banned from a Hong Kong airline after a row over a reclined seat.

The story – which took place on September 17 on a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to London – began when the couple began complaining to the Chinese passenger in front of them that they could not see the television because her seat was lowered.

After she refused to straighten it out, the couple began harassing her, she said in a video shared on social media site Xiaohongshu, according to BBC News.

The woman in the couple is said to have placed her legs on the armrests of her neighbour across the street, scolding her in Cantonese as the man “frantically pushed” her seat.

“When she realised I didn’t speak Cantonese, she started calling me ‘mainland girl’ in a derogatory tone,” the victim passenger said.

The flight attendant even allegedly asked him to comply with the couple’s demands in order to buy peace.

“I was shocked because it was not meal time, but the flight attendant wanted me to compromise,” the woman said. “I rejected the suggestion.”

The couple’s behavior was criticized by other passengers on the flight.

On Sunday, Cathay Pacific announced it had added the couple to its no-fly list. The airline said it has a “strict zero tolerance policy” when it comes to disrespecting other passengers, the British outlet reported.



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