Single fare in public transport in 2025, a “revolution”

Single fare in public transport in 2025, a “revolution”
Single fare in public transport in 2025, a “revolution”
SAMI KARAALI / AFP A metro in -sous- in May 2024. A revolution awaits Parisians and visitors in public transport in 2025, with the single-fare ticket.


A metro in Rosny-sous-Bois in May 2024. A revolution awaits Parisians and visitors in public transport in 2025, with the single-fare ticket.

TRANSPORT – No more headaches in Parisian transport. Mobilités announced on Tuesday, September 17, a simplification of fares in public transport in the region from 2025, particularly for occasional users. A “ticketing revolution”, boasted the president of the region Valérie Pécresse, reports The Parisian.

Currently, the network is divided into five zones including Paris (zone 1) and then the more or less distant suburbs (in the other four zones). Each zone is associated with a price, a cost that increases as the destination is distant. For example, traveling within Paris costs 2.15 euros, but you have to pay up to 5 euros to go outside the capital.

From January 1st, you no longer need to think about the areas you want to go to. There will be only one ticket at 2.50 euros that will allow you to go everywhere in Paris and its suburbs. With one subtlety: if you only take the tram or the bus, this ticket will cost 2 euros, specifies The Parisian.

Use of the Libérté+ pass extended

Another change concerns the Liberté+ pass, the a posteriori payment method (debited based on the number of journeys made the previous month). From 2025, the card will be able to be used throughout the region and no longer just within Paris itself. This has a cost: a journey will cost 1.99 euros regardless of your destination, compared to 1.73 currently. It will be 1.60 for those who only use the tram or bus.

New pricing also for journeys between Paris and its airports. All means of transport will have a single fare: 13 euros. This is more or less the average of the four tickets today, the Roissy bus being at 16.60 euros, the Roissy RER at 11.80, the bus at 11.50 and the Orly metro at 10.30.

There are still a few changes to note, including the day pass which will increase to 12 euros compared to more than 20 euros today. Finally, Île-de-France Mobilités reminds us that the 10-ticket booklets will no longer exist, goodbye to the discount when buying in bulk.

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