The presidential election results refuted by the three candidates, including Tebboune


DIn front of a screen, the campaign manager of candidate Youcef Aouchiche, from the Socialist Forces Front (FFS) party, shows the press an infographic with telling figures. “In Algiers, the minutes of the Independent National Authority for Elections (ANIE) give us 18,873 voters. But in the results that its president presented [dimanche, au soir du scrutin présidentiel]we only have 4,046!”

At a press conference on Monday, September 9, at the party headquarters on the heights of Algiers, candidate Youcef Aouchiche said that “these frauds put the country in danger” and called for an investigation to be opened. “We knew that all the conditions were not met for a free and honest election, but we did not expect to reach this level,” he said.

ALSO READ Algerian presidential election: confusion over turnoutThe FFS estimates that it collected a little more than 300,000 votes while the result announced Sunday by the Anie is 122,146 votes. In the morning, it was the turn of the second opposition candidate, Abdelali Hassani Cherif, the representative of the Movement for a Society of Peace (MSP, Islamist) to castigate the Anie, accusing it of “fraud” and “cheating”.

Both candidates will file their appeals with the Constitutional Court on Tuesday. The MSP claims around 500,000 votes according to the count of the vote counting reports, while according to the “official” figures […] Read more


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