“The alien invasion began with the emergence of artificial intelligence”

“The alien invasion began with the emergence of artificial intelligence”

AlloCiné: How did you come up with the idea of ​​designing this comic book, “TECH”, and at the same time this captivating music album, “Delicate Machine”?

Vincenzo Natali: I have been working on this comic book for five years. It was a secret desire buried within me to design such a work. As a kid, I was a fan of comics. It is also because of this love for comics that I became a storyboard artist for the cinema on films like Boulevard (1994), Johnny Mnemonic (1995) or The Boys Club (1996).

I have always loved drawing and I got back into my passion when Apple released the iMac Pro. It was the first tablet to draw and draw directly on the computer. I realized that I could create a comic book entirely by myself. I was able to do everything: the drawing, the color, the ink, the editing… It took me a lot less time than if I had designed this comic with paper and pencils. It was still 200 pages of comics and therefore a hell of a tome to produce!

The funny thing is that the comic was born out of technology and the theme of this story is precisely a debate about technology. An alien technology that infiltrates our lives. I am &

- AlloCiné

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