Central Quebec blamed for its new school

Central Quebec blamed for its new school

In July 2023, the English-speaking school board agreed with an over-the-counter contract of $ 524,063 with the company Aquest Design, located in Pointe-Claire.

It was a question of furnishing its future primary school New Liverpool, in the Saint-Romuald sector, in Lévis.

The Central Québec School Board (CQSB) has shown in the tender system for the usual public contracts in order to choose the furniture of the Dutch manufacturer V/S, which would prove to be “the only known which has scientific studies Demonstrating the impacts on the learning of young people, ”according to the request.

Stephen Burke was the president of the Central Quebec school board until last November.

The 10 -year warranty also participated in the CQSB decision to bypass the Electronic Tender System (SEAO) of the Quebec Government.

Also according to the school board, Aquest Design was the only distributor that could provide V/s furniture.

Article 13.2 of the law on the contracts of public bodies stipulates that “when a only contractor is possible due to a guarantee, a property right or an exclusive right, such as a copyright or copyright or copyright or copyright A right based on an exclusive license or a patent, or artistic, heritage or museological value of the required property or service ”.

However, the Public Procurement Authority (AMP) considers this insufficient article to justify an over -the -counter contract in the case of furniture from the New Liverpool school.

The CQSB ended up displaying the contract on the Seao system, but only in July 2024, while the contract ended on May 31, 2024.

The AMP requests the school board to improve its procedures to ensure in the future that “obligations relating to the publications to be carried out at the SEAO are respected”.

He must also train “his staff working in contractual management” accordingly.

Central Quebec School Board responds to Soleil Having “collaborated proactively with the public procurement authority throughout the investigation” and “welcomes its report and its recommendations”.

“Although procedural measures were already in place to prevent such errors, additional control measures will soon be provided in order to strengthen their application,” said the head of administrative management, Michèle Barbeau in writing.

This English -speaking school board covers a vast territory, including mainly the regions of Quebec and Mauricie.

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