Alcohol -free life, a year later

Alcohol -free life, a year later

Seeing things in the perspective of a non-droop has led the author to achieve how trivialized alcohol was in society, despite its well-documented effects

A year ago, I made the decision to stop consuming alcohol.

Did I have a problem worthy of being a member of anonymous alcoholics? No. However, I celebrated, very long. I was even a co-owner of a bar (who remembers the passport bar on rue Saint-Denis, in Montreal?).

A few years ago, I stopped consuming alcohol on weekdays.

I was drinking on Fridays and Saturdays, at will. I say at will, because when you have celebrated for a long time, the body gets used to poison.

From beer ending the week, including the bottle (or bottles) of dinner wine, then a few cocktails, and why not a little tape (which multiplied without magic or surprise) during the end of the evening?

In 2023, I decided to stop my alcohol consumption from January 31, 2024 (my birthday). Between my decision -making and the end, I drank everything I had left in reserve. Spirits, wines, beers and more. I took my last drink before going to bed on the night of 30 to 31. I got up and I was now an exceptional adult; I was not drinking.

I gave myself certain goals as to my physical form and my health a few years ago. At the stage where I was, removing this weekly empty calorie intake was an “easy” choice to achieve the set objectives.

My personal choices are not extraordinary. I am neither the first nor the last who will stop drinking. This is true, but I made observations during the first 366 days of my sobriety (there was on February 29 in 2024). Hugo Meunier also made it in his documentary Fart.


Quebec drinks alcohol as if there was no risk. Quebec is gathers for parties, cultural and sports events, celebrations, and you have to drink to be in the blow. When you show up at an event and decline the glass, we get you looking for a problem.

Alcohol is omnipresent and trivialized in films and TV series. The SAQ also makes promotions, advertisements and sponsorships.

The SAQ has a point program which, ultimately, gives alcohol. She encourages drinking.

It is a government company, profits are important to balance the province’s budgets. Why change the standards if it can have an impact on state income? But don’t say it too hard, it is omerta that reigns.

On the other side, there is the SQDC with its sober stores, without promotion. A bit like the Régie des alcohols in the past. We are even uncomfortable to say that we consume cannabis, however as legal as alcohol. Two types of drugs, two standards.

A study had reacted two years ago: “The Canadian Center on dependencies persists and signs: Taking three glasses of alcohol per week already presents a” moderate “risk”, it was read in an article of The press1. Alcohol is a poison, and the ideal dose, whether you accept it or not, it’s zero.

I think it is time for Quebecers to reflect on their relationship with alcohol. Objectively, it is a social problem that is hidden under habits, and even standards.

1. Read the article “Alcohol consumption:” There is no consumption threshold that is safe “”

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