This evolution planned for the help of CAF in February

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February arrives with its share of changes for beneficiaries of Allowance to disabled adults (AAH). As every year, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) updates rights based on income received two years earlier.
In 2025, this Revaluation of resource ceilings leads to an increase for certain beneficiaries, but others will see their help decrease, even disappear. Why this drop? Who is concerned? And what steps in the event of unjustified loss of the AAH? Decryption.
An annual recalculation of the AAH
AAH is a financial aid for people with disabilities who encounter difficulties in working. This year, his maximum amount is 1,016.05 euros per month. It allows around 1.2 million French people to meet everyday expenses.
However, unlike certain fixed allowances, the amount of the allowance varies according to the beneficiary’s resources. Each year, CAF examines the income received two years earlier.
To have
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“The resources taken into account are the categorical net income N-2 of the applicantthat is to say of the year 2023 if you make a request in 2025. ”precise
This method aims to adjust the AAH according to the evolution of the financial situation of the beneficiaries. In theory, she allows people whose income has dropped to obtain more substantial aid. But in practice, it also means that those whose resources have increased risk a reduction, or even a suppression of their allowance.
Revalued resources ceilings
In 2025, Resource ceilings opening up to AAH increased by 4.8 %consistent with inflation estimated at 4.9 % by theINSEE. However, the increase in ceilings does not necessarily mean that all beneficiaries will keep their allowance at the same level.
So, Depending on the income received in 2023several categories of people could see their AAH reduced or deleted.
The new income limits to benefit from this aid is to About 12,460 euros per year for a single person. For a couple, this ceiling reaches around 22,200 euros. An increase of approximately 6,225 euros is added per dependent child.
To have
AAH: Conditions to obtain the allowance for disabled adults for life
From February 5CAF will make the first payments taking these new calculations into account. The beneficiaries will be able to consult the updated amount of their allowance directly from their personal space on the CAF website.
Those who risk seeing a drop in AAH
If the household resources exceed these new ceilingseven slightly, the AAH can decrease. Those who experienced a salary increase in 2023, affected by exceptional premiums or benefited from professional development, will probably see their adjusted downward allocation.
Couple people are also affected by these modifications, reports Econostrum. Despite the announcement of the progressive deconjugalization of the AAH in 2023the spouse’s revenues continue to impact certain beneficiaries.
A person with disabilities whose spouse had received an upward salary could therefore see its reduced, even deleted allowance. The possible reason? If household resources exceed new thresholds.
Another point to take into account: The evolution of complementary aids perceived by the home. AAH is sometimes combined with other social benefits, such as the activity bonus or the RSA. An increase in these aids can also affect the final amount of the AAH.