The manufacturers of fresh dairy products gathered within the union group have decided to take charge of the future of the waste they produce. Their hope: one day create a virtuous “closed loop”, for the moment the Arlesian of plastic recycling, where small pots in polystyrene would become yogurt pots.
For the first time, almost all brands of ultra-finish desserts have united-with the exception of Danone-to launch together a communication campaign, baptized #Tironpot, intended to promote the collection and recycling of pots after consumption.
No television campaign, no radio message, but a campaign “as close as possible to the consumer”, explains Muriel Casé, general delegate of union: when he opened his yogurt, he will find “a very simple message which will indicate to him Put your jar in the yellow tank with the detached operculum “.
“Detached Opecule”
Just under the pictogram of a funny yogurt, a dozen messages are planned such as “Remember to sort me”.
The slogan “I go to the yellow tank with my detached operculum” aims to encourage consumer to dissociate plastic plastic and aluminum in their trash as much as possible, in order to facilitate subsequent sorting and recycling operations.
The urgency is to convince people to throw their packaging in the yellow bin. Because despite the enlarged sorting instructions in force since January 2023, France pays Europe each year 1.5 billion euros per year, for non -achieved its plastic recycling targets.
“There is a real economic issue,” said Roland Marion, director of the circular economy at the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME), which supports the operation.
The sorting is “a blocking point” today, says Patrick Falconnier, president of union and general manager of the EUrial cooperative. “Because if the consumer does not put his yogurt pot in the yellow bin, we cannot recover it to retreat, recycle it, reincorporate it in our product. We really need the consumer to do his part of job.”
A total of 500 million pots will be affected by the campaign for six months, a fraction of the 1.5 billion packs of yogurt, white cheeses and other Milky desserts sold in France each year, lots of 4 to 16 units in general .
25% in household waste
Each brand has chosen two or three references to carry the campaign, including desserts acclaimed by children, in the hope that they will train their parents in the “sorting gesture”.
Because at least 25% of yogurts end up in general household waste trash cans. Pots that end their lives, either buried or cremated, regrets Sophie Génier, director of recycling at Citeo, the eco-organization that manages the collection, sorting and recycling of household packaging in France.
The campaign will start when the Agriculture Show is opened on February 22. It is funded by professionals.
One year of preparation was necessary. In the factories, “we had to reprint the cylinders which are used for printing the sections”, specifies Ms. Casé. And health tests “were done and redone” to verify that there is no migration from ink to yogurt.