11 years of detention for a 25 pound dumbbell launched from the second floor in the head of his victim

11 years of detention for a 25 pound dumbbell launched from the second floor in the head of his victim

A 62 -year -old man received Tuesday by 11 years of penitentiary for serious assaults on an individual to whom he launched a 25 -pound dumbbell from the balcony of his apartment, smashing his skull.

• Read also: 14 years claimed for having smashed the head of his victim with a dumbbell launched from the 2nd floor

Michel Patry sent his victim to the hospital on September 27, 2022 by launching a cast iron dumbbell directly on his head from 2e floor of its accommodation building.

11 years of detention for a 25 pound dumbbell launched from the second floor in the head of his victim

Taken from Facebook Michel Patry

The offender was then in conflict with a friend of Guillaume Morin, who had nothing to have in history. In fact, Michel Patry and he never even spoke before the accused swings him the weight that fractured his skull.

The height of bad luck, a fall during the hospitalization of the 43 -year -old victim caused complications that led to his death, a week after the assault on which he was the victim.

Avoid trial

On Tuesday, judge Pierre L. Rousseau acknowledged that Michel Patry had not legally caused the death of the victim, but he recalled that Guillaume Morin would never have been hospitalized with an open fracture in the skull if his way had Not crossed that of the criminal who is a repeat offender in matters of violence.

11 years of detention for a 25 pound dumbbell launched from the second floor in the head of his victim

Taken from the death notice of Guillaume Morin

The magistrate thus condemned Patry to a sentence of 11 years of penitentiary, recognizing that the plea of ​​guilt recorded by the accused avoids in particular Hugues Gingras-Jobin, the friend of the victim with whom the accused had a conflict, a difficult testimony during a possible trial. The judge also quoted “the engorgement of the courts” to assess the value to be given to this guilty plea.

The prosecutor in the file, Me Valérie Bélizaire-Joseph, demanded a 14-year sentence, that is to say the maximum sentence for the offense of serious assault.

“Going to the request for the prosecution makes sure that I would ignore this mitigation factor,” said judge Rousseau, admitting, however, that it is the only aspect playing in favor of the criminal.

Another death on conscience

Besides, if the loss of the dumbbell, although “late and before overwhelming proof”, was able to help him, his history, forced the judge to move away from the suggestion made by Me Benoit Labrecque in defense.

The latter had pleaded for the imposition of a sentence of five to eight years for his client, although the latter had already served a 17 -year sentence for an involuntary homicide in 1988.

The offender, who has a total of 13 criminal convictions on his file, had at that time killed one man per gun in the parking lot of a dancer bar in the Vanier sector, in Quebec.

“The hopes of rehabilitation of Monsieur are not very high given the recurrence of his crimes,” said judge Rousseau to motivate his decision, citing the free gesture committed and the minimization of an accused on the other hand by an accused Who “continues to see himself as a system of the system in all of this”.

Due to pre -trial detention, it will remain in Michel Patry seven years and five months to be served.

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