Airbus signs a new contract for the future maritime patrol plane of France

Airbus signs a new contract for the future maritime patrol plane of France

The Directorate General of Armament (DGA) has attributed to Airbus Defence and Spacein co-work with Thalesa 24 -month contract for a risk study study of the maritime patrol plane program (Patmar futur). This project follows the architecture and feasibility study initiated in 2022 and aims to define the bases of the future device which will replace theAtlantic 2 to the Horizon 2030-2040.

The A321 MPa: a flying frigate for the French Navy

Airbus develops a militarized version of its A321XLRbaptized A321 MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft). This plane will be designed to fill out The strategic missions of the French Navynotably :

  • The anti-submarine and anti-navire controlcovering all conflict intensities.
  • Intelligence collection To strengthen the monitoring and protection of French maritime interests.
  • The contribution to nuclear deterrencein support of the ocean component.

Jean-Brice Dumont, Executive Vice President Air Power at Airbus Defense and Space, said: “The A321 MPA project has all the assets to become a real flying frigate capable of responding to the great diversity of the missions entrusted to the maritime patrol.”

An architecture optimized for higher performance

The A321 MPa is distinguished by:

  • An extended radius of actionguaranteeing maximum operational coverage.
  • Great handlingincluding at low altitude, essential for rapid intervention missions.
  • Integration of advanced sensorsdeveloped by Thales, comprising:
    • A latest generation active antennas radar.
    • A powerful acoustic system with active and passive sonar buoys.
    • Electronic, electro-optics and detection systems of magnetic anomalies (MAD).
    • An advanced self-protection system.

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Evolutionary armament capacity

The device will embark modern means of communication, including by satelliteas well as a Armament dedicated to anti-submarine and antinavire control :

  • Torped torpedoes in the hold.
  • Futur Missile Antinavire (FMM)currently in development.
  • Open architecture of the mission systemallowing upgrades to respond to the evolution of threats.

A solution based on Airbus experience and reliability

The A321 MPa benefits from Airbus’s expertise in conversion of commercial aircraft to military platforms. Its development is based on:

  • The success of the A320 familywith more than 10,000 devices in service et 300 million hours of cumulative flight.
  • The A330 MRTT programworld leader in flight supplies with 90 % market share outside the United States.
  • The experience acquired on the P3, C295 and CN235with more than 170 planes in service in maritime patrol configurations.

Towards a commissioning in the decade 2030-2040

The first phases of studies will allow us to assess the conditions technical, industrial and economic of the program. The first blower tests will provide essential data to refine the design of the device.

The development of the Patmar Futur program should start at the end of 2026, with the aim of gradually replacing the Atlantic 2 fleet in service on the Lann-Bihoué aeronavale base.

This strategic program for France, guarantees a sovereign solution, with an industrial and technological autonomy essential to ensure the monitoring and protection of national maritime spaces.

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