Continuation of the strike in medical radiology at the HFR

Continuation of the strike in medical radiology at the HFR

The TRM (technicians in medical radiology) renewed their movement unanimously on Tuesday afternoon at the assembly, said the union of public services (SSP). They require a salary revaluation, so far refused by the executive. The strikers had given the latter a period of 24 hours on Monday to position themselves.

Reply Wednesday

The Council of State, however, informed the strikers on Tuesday that an answer was in preparation, the statement said, which mentions that it should fall on Wednesday at midday. He is still arrested for an “immediate opening” of negotiations on the claims of TRM which have been contesting their fate since the end of 2024.

These claims ask to revise the devaluated criteria, from the angle of the assessment system of the State of Friborg (Evalfri), and to grant the wage class 19, against 17. The Bachelor/HES level professions are however Collated at least in salary class 18, and up to the salary class 24, repeated the SSP.

Maillard visit

The assembly of TRM on strike took note of the mail of the Council of State, according to the SSP, which is at the maneuver in a conflict which has already aroused large support on the left as among the unions as well as in the general population . She said she regretted that the government “tries to save time”.

In addition, Tuesday morning, the strikers welcomed Pierre-Yves Maillard, president of the USS and advisor to the States (PS/VD). The trade unionist came to visit them, “in order to bring them the unreserved support” of the union center. The action is followed by 80% of just over 100 trom as HFR counts.

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