The work of the Mobi’Park deposit of #TEC, in Tilleur, officially launched

The work of the Mobi’Park deposit of #TEC, in Tilleur, officially launched

This Monday, February 03, was held the first shovel marking the official launch of the work of the new Mobi’park Tec, rue Crin d’Or in Tilleur, on the old industrial site Chimeuse. It will be the second largest Wallonia deposit, after that of Robermont, but also the first of the TEC network to accommodate a 100% electric bus fleet. He will replace that of Jemeppe. The site will house administrative, technical, maintenance and exploitation areas. ​ ​

Instead of the upstream car park, it will ultimately be a landscaping parking. The crossroads with rue Ferdinand Nicolay will be redeveloped, as are parks along the street-vine and gold number streets. Cyclo-pétonnes walks are planned around the site but also a cyclostrade along the railway for a better connection between Jemeppe and Val Benoit.

The Mobi’park will therefore allow the TEC to ensure the exploitation and maintenance of a new fleet of 36 tribes intended to circulate on the busway (high level of service bus – BHNS) to complete the tram offer. It will also be a future training center for TEC staff. The site will have two training areas for driving learning and training in the workshops, which will make it the second training center of the TEC group in Wallonia. ​
It will be nearly 500 employees who will work daily on this new site (drivers, mechanics, controllers, employees, trainers, operating managers, local managers, etc.), indicates the TEC.

It is a momentary company Galère-Duchêne which carries out the work.

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