Bird: Do you know the grouse?

Bird: Do you know the grouse?

ANIMALS – These birds, closely related to pheasants, are considered highly prized game birds in the many areas of the Northern Hemisphere that they frequent. The species ranges from Texas to northern Greenland.

Except for the willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus), these birds are polygamous, with males having developed elaborate displays to attract mates. The sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), the largest of the New World species, uses display areas, also known as leks, adjacent to the dense sagebrush areas that these birds frequent. These traditional sites can be rebuilt each spring for decades. Here, males inflate the white vocal sac on their chest to make a distinctive drumming sound while strutting, trying to impress one of the females watching them. In most cases, although there may be a significant number of displaying males, only a few of them have the opportunity to mate. Unfortunately, environmental changes are now negatively impacting sage-grouse habitat.

A difference in size

The capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), found in Europe, is the largest member of this(…) - 20minutes


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