RTL Info-testhats basket: these appreciated products record a spectacular increase

Food prices continue to rise at the start of the year, with inflation that reached 3.29 % in January. Certain foods, such as dark chocolate and orange juices, record spectacular increases. Here is the analysis of the RTL Info-Tachats basket for the month of January.
As every month, we take stock of supermarket inflation thanks to the RTL info-testhats basket, which follows the price of more than 3000 basic products in 7 supermarket chains. The analysis shows that food inflation sets off on the rise in January 2025. After being ironed below 3 % in December, it now reaches 3.29 %.
Among the products whose price has increased the most over one year, three are particularly distinguished:
- Dark chocolate: +28 %
- Granny Smith apples: +24 %
- Orange juice: +21 %
The increase in the price of apples is explained in particular by lower reserves than in previous years.
Some products see their price decrease. The most notable concern:
- The mixed pork and beef hatch: -10 %
- Fry oil: -6 %
- Wet wipes for babies: -6 %
Since the launch of the RTL Info-Tachats basket, three years ago, food inflation has continued to weigh on the household budget. The basket is 28 % more expensive than in January 2022, where inflation had exceeded 2 % for the first time.
Some products display impressive increases on this period:
- Le ketchup: +81 %
- Mustard: +67 %
- Olive oil: +67 %
- Onions: +63 %
A legal framework to monitor prices
With the arrival of a new government, the question of purchasing power is put forward in the coalition agreement. This plans to strengthen the Minister of the Economy’s means to intervene in the sectors where competition is insufficient or when it comes to excessive long-term margins.
To be able to intervene, the Minister will be based on the findings made by the Belgian competition authority, or the price observatory which should be reinforced.
Will, which transmits its price analyzes to the competition authority monthly, estimates “he agro-food sector should be a priority subject for these institutions, due to the strong inflation measured by the organization for more than three years“.
Farmers, whose difficulties have been widely publicized in recent months, could also benefit from measures aimed at better protecting their margins, without disturbing the entire agro-food chain.
Difficult to know, according to Testachats, who benefits this strong food inflation: farmers, manufacturers, transformers, distributors? The organization also wonders if these price increases are justified. “”We hope that the Government Agreement will result in increased transparency on pricing training in the agro-food sector“.