Ornikar passes the mark of 100 million euros in income and continues its diversification

Ornikar starts the year on the right foot. Indeed, the company, which specializes in training in driving and awareness of road safety, announces that it has exceeded 100 million euros in turnover. The latter increased by 33 % in 2024, according to the company. In parallel, she also announces that she has reached the financial balance on her historic online driving school activity. Two good news which must soon allow the tricolor company to become profitable in a global way after 2025.
This accomplishment testifies to the rise in power produced by Ornikar on the business plan at the exit from the pandemic of COVID-19. While the company had recorded a turnover of 35 million euros in 2019, it made its round back during the health crisis before leaving for the offensive, especially with a table of 100 million euros in April 2021.
40 % market share on the highway code
This operation had a very specific goal: to conquer the automotive insurance market. This activity now represents 20 % of Ornikar’s income, with 100,000 policies subscribed to date and the objective of doubled this figure in the next two years.
Regarding its driving school activity, the company has been claiming 4.5 million customers since its creation in 2013, with 700,000 active customers during the past year. On this vertical to learning the highway code, Ornikar provides to hold 40 % of market share in France.
Benjamin Gaignault is investing in “mini-organi” in Europe
If most of the company’s income comes from this activity, Benjamin Gaignault, co -founder and chairman of the board of directors, believes that it was time to diversify the model of the startup. “We get out of our teenage crisis and we get into adulthood. We have changed category, the teams were enormously seniorized, we are no longer really a startup as we can imagine strictly speaking. We must renew ourselves and we will therefore embark on new markets ”explains the manager, who dropped the operational reins of his company to entrust them to Philippe Maso Y Guell Rivet, former managing director of Aviva France, and thus focus on what he prefers: to put new business on orbit. “I bring my ideas and my ambition”adds the entrepreneur.
In this sense, Benjamin Gaignault does not hesitate to put his activity as a business angel in the service of Ornikar. Indeed, he puts on startups, which he considers as “Very Early-Stage Mini-Ornikar”in Europe, especially in Italy and the Netherlands. “There are a lot of projects that have emerged in Europe in recent years and we need to buy leaders. Investing in these nuggets allows you to better understand new markets ”explains the co -founder of the tricolor company. A way for him to detect the most promising startups in Europe likely to strengthen Ornikar. After its last fundraising in 2021, the company, which has 250 employees, dreamed of launching itself to the United States, Brazil, India or even in Japan, but the reversal of the Tech, where accent has been brutally put on profitability to the detriment of hypercroissance, pushed it to advance with caution.
“The bank could be an obvious development axis for Ornikar”
In the meantime, Ornikar is gaining momentum in the B2B, by deploying an offer for companies to offer training dedicated to road safety and eco-driving. The company estimates that it can thus receive a market of 2.5 billion euros with its B2B offer. In parallel, it also launches an offer of points recovery courses and prepares new additional insurance products, but it sees even further. “The bank could be an obvious development axis for Ornikar. There is in particular the problem of financing the first car for young drivers. In my eyes, it is the missing link in the accompaniment of the mobility of the new generation ”believes Benjamin Gaignault, who also launched Skarlett, a marketplace to restore the image of the life annuity.
In a more personal register, the entrepreneur is thinking of creating training to help French people set up businesses. “I am not here to promise these ridiculous training to become a millionaire that can be seen on LinkedIn or elsewhere. I rather prefer to create a fast, efficient and ultra-operational entrepreneurship school ”he assures. In short, it is not the ideas that are missing at home to continue to grow Ornikar and French Tech!