Prices threats | We must multiply the missions abroad, believes St-Pierre Plamondon

Prices threats | We must multiply the missions abroad, believes St-Pierre Plamondon

(Québec) Le Québec doit multiplier les missions à l’étranger s’il veut diversifier ses marchés, selon le chef péquiste Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

En point de presse à l’Assemblée nationale mardi, M. St-Pierre Plamondon est revenu sur les menaces de tarifs douaniers du président américain Donald Trump.

Après avoir déclaré que des tarifs de 25 % allaient s’appliquer sur les importations canadiennes dès cette semaine, M. Trump a finalement décidé, lundi, d’accorder un sursis de 30 jours au Canada.

Selon M. St-Pierre Plamondon, le Québec doit malgré tout redoubler d’efforts afin de « se sevrer de notre dépendance économique vis-à-vis des Américains ».

Ce qu’on a besoin, c’est de voir des missions commerciales à Londres, à Paris, au Mexique, en Amérique latine, en Asie, pour voir comment nos entreprises québécoises peuvent trouver de nouveaux clients.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, chef du Parti québécois

« On a 1 % de nos exportations avec la France, 1,6 % avec le Royaume-Uni, alors que ça frôle le 70 % avec les États-Unis. […] It urges to send missions from our companies abroad.

“I do not want to see (the Minister of the Economy) Christine Fréchette and (Prime Minister) François Legault do (photo sessions) and interviews in Quebec,” he added.

Quebec companies would also benefit from bureaucratic alleys, said the official opposition chief Marc Tanguay.

“We must strengthen Quebec, increase our productivity, […] Reduce the administrative burden on our businesses further, “he listed.

Rare fact: François Legault will make a ministerial declaration at the Red Show around 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Québec Solidaire (QS) also said that he had claimed the holding of an emergency debate.

“Even if there are no prices today, there is economic instability […] Who has a real impact on people and our economy, ”argued in a press briefing on Tuesday, the co-spokesperson of QS, Ruba Ghazal.

The day before, Mr. Legault said he was open to holding an emergency debate in the National Assembly to “bring out the best ideas”.

In the population, several have launched calls to boycott certain American products and rather encourage local purchase in response to President Trump’s prices.

A questioned at a press conference in Montreal on the relevance of maintaining a boycott movement during the 30 -day stay, Mr. Legault said that this remains “a personal choice”.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed, on Monday, his intention to accelerate investments as well as the diversification of exports. In addition, he relies on the reduction of interprotrovincial barriers which harm the domestic trade in Canada, according to him.

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