The first aeronautical electric motor is certified

The first aeronautical electric motor is certified

It’s a first day at Safran’s. The group, or more exactly its Safran Electrical & Power company, celebrated the Engineus 100 certification on February 3 by the European Union Agency for Aviation Safety (AESA). It is simply the first electric motor approved for aeronautics. If this first engine of the Engineus family is oriented towards general aviation, it opens the way to distributed propulsion and electrical hybridization for the propulsion of larger aircraft.

For Bruno Bellanger, president of Safran Electrical & Power, “This is the first certification of an electric motor for aeronautics”. Ce “Very important milestone” reflects, according to him, “The combination of ultimate performance” with important technological advances to offer the most efficient and light engine possible, and “Ultimate demonstration”by complying with a certification exercise which is “Without compromise with safety”. He nevertheless recognizes that it took a little more time than expected, Safran evoking for a time in mid-2023.

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