“Directly for the consumer” … What impact will the increase in the tax tickets will increase?

“Directly for the consumer” … What impact will the increase in the tax tickets will increase?

A 2025 earth on earth budget, and the sky is likely to be more expensive than ever. The Bayrou budget, which should be validated since the national rally has announced not to vote censorship, includes an increase in the “solidarity tax” on plane tickets (TSBA). The text fixes at 7.40 euros per ticket to the tax for European destinations, against 2.63 euros currently.

Count 15 euros of tax for an intermediate destination and 40 euros for distant destinations (more than 5,500 kilometers), against 7.51 euros currently. And again, we only talk about the economy class, with the shoulder of the neighbor who exceeds in your seat. Because the tax takes off up to 420 euros for a European flight and 2,100 euros for a long haul if you pay the luxury of a business class.

“Tax The Rich” French version and aviation

How will this increase repercussions? Bertrand Vilmer, aeronautical expert in the Icarus consulting firm interviewed by 20 Minutesdoes not pour into the unnecessary suspense: “Directly on plane tickets and the consumer. This is already the case with the current tax, set up in 2006 and enhanced in 2020.

Amélie de Montchalin, Minister of Public Accounts, does not hide it in no way when defending this tax: “The 20 % of the population with the highest income is responsible for more than half of the expenses devoted to travel by plane. »»

“An access tax to France”

But the consequences could be more numerous and delicate than a simple increase in tickets. The unions are standing against this tax, and Ben Smith, boss of Air France, denounced “the European country where the plane is the most taxed” and “an access tax”.

Which could be a problem. While the country remains the most visited in the world, “some companies could move their hub. For example, no longer make Paris-New York but London-New York or Barcelona-New York, in order to avoid this tax and gain competitiveness, “said Bertrand Vilmer, who sees” a distortion of competition “.

Employment repercussions?

The expert recalls that, precisely in order to avoid creating unfair competition, kerosene is not taxed on international thefts, “so that all companies are struggling with equal weapons without suffering the pricing policies of their country” .

Nevertheless, Ryanair threatened to reduce its flights by 50 % stopping in France if this tax increase had to be adopted. Ben Smith deplores, “the risk of moving the value that our traffic generates in other countries. For 20 years, we have lost 1 to 2 % market share per year for the benefit of foreign companies ”.

If this is really the case, “then the consequences will also be seen on employment. Less flights passing through France, it is necessarily less turnover, less needs for employees or money to pay them, ”concludes Bertrand Vilmer.

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