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A penguin’s cold – A chilling book!

A Penguin’s Cold by Huw Lewis Jones, illustrated by Ben Sanders has just been published by Milan.

This adorably illustrated little album tells the story of a penguin who complains of the freezing cold of the poles and dreams of heat and the tropics.

The penguin discovers that the key to his problems might be closer than he thinks and transforms a simple object into treasure using his imagination.

The story is both funny and inspiring, and it highlights curiosity and creativity as essential qualities. This little neon orange teapot cover changes everything! This object with unsuspected capabilities is the solution that warms up this little chilly person in an unexpected way!

Ben Sanders’ illustrations add a charming visual touch that perfectly complements Huw Lewis Jones’ text. Together, they create a book that will appeal to young readers and remind them of the importance of imagination and discovery.
A Penguin’s Cold is a good surprise, the kind of story that children aged 3 to 7 will want to reread and reread! To buy this book Click here or Click here
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