In 2009, an animated “ofni” based on modeling clay was released in cinemas, “Mary and Max”. It quickly had an unexpected success on the part of its creator and director, Adam Elliot. Back with his new touching project, his drama also demonstrates all the human horror.
Even before she was born, Grace had felt the complexity of her life. Because unlike most people, she remembers the moment spent in her mother’s womb. She died just after giving birth to her twins, Percy and Grace Pudel. Years later, their father also died, leaving them orphans. In the end, this family cocoon was the only place where the young woman felt best. Separated, the twins led two very distinct lives within equally different host families. Harassed by her school friends and barely communicative with the couple who adopted her, Grace took refuge in collecting snails and reading romantic novels. His meeting with Pinky, however, allowed him to somewhat recover his dizzying descent. However, life rarely proves kind to Grace for long. She thus experienced the death of those close to her and found herself extremely lonely, except in the company of her gastropods. Including his favorite Sylvia who in her last days would not try to send him a message?
So 15 years have passed since the previous aforementioned captivating fiction, “Mary and Max”. At the time, the masterpiece of the said filmmaker and director confused and greatly upset the spectators in terms of its darkness, its plasticity and its plot.
If “Memoirs of a Snail” takes up certain identical elements of the “Trilogy of trilogies”, a principle invented and created by Adam Elliot who makes 3 short, 3 medium and 3 feature films, the story is based on real life real people close to the director.
Indeed, the majority of situations and characters exist, or existed, truly. From a collector’s passion for snails to eccentricity, including the sadly repulsive aspect of lip operations, the different protagonists are linked in one way or another to the filmmaker.
If cochleapilia, or collecting snails, remains at the heart of the story of the feature film, it is above all the meticulousness and the frame-by-frame technique that will greatly impress the spectators of “Memories of a Snail” .
With 200 characters and sets, thousands of accessories all created by hand, intensive preparation during the Australian Covid period, Adam Elliott and then his production team, really gave of their people and energies. This, in order to create an authentic film, rarely seen like this in cinemas and captivating until the end.
Even if the story remains dramatic and gloomy against a backdrop of physical and moral abnormalities, “Memories of a Snail” remains above all human, touching and will upset spectators curious to go and discover it at the cinema.
Thanks to the stop-motion (frame by frame) used to great effect, but also to the actresses lending their voices in the original version. Starting with the formidable actress duo Sarah Snook (“The Glass Castle”) and Jacki Weaver (“The Widows”), respectively, “Grace Pudel” and “Pinky”.
Who are and represent as the story progresses, very distinct and strong female characters, but sadly human. Their faults, weaknesses and discomfort that they create for themselves are also important. Particularly through the monologue exchanged with the pretty snail “Sylvia”.
“Memories of a Snail” remains moving, complex and sometimes sarcastic, but is not aimed at a wide audience. Because the sequences of the feature film sometimes prove to be painful, delicate and often painful to see and hear.
Preferably to be discovered in the Anglo-Australian version in relation to its distribution, it is recommended not to watch this “false” fiction in a negative, depressive or demoralized state for the reasons mentioned. It nevertheless remains positive in substance, powerful and demonstrates that most of the time, nature often brings its benefits to humans in one way or another.
Memoirs of a snail
OUT – 2024
Duration: 1h34 min
Animation, Drama,
Director: Adam Elliot
With the voices of: Sarah Snook (vo), Dominique Pinon (vf), Nick Cave (vo), Jacki Weaver (vo)
Pathé Films Switzerland
15.01.2025 at the cinema
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