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After reading this book, you will want to live in Hastière

Book “Hastière, faces and shores” by Jacques Duchateau and Lily Vernimmen: Ivette Joskin, the lady with saffron. ©Jacques Duchateau

Stop the clichés

Andennais Jacques Duchateau and his partner Valérie “Lily” Vernimmen started this project at the start of their relationship. While Jacques was looking to settle in Hastière, Lily, who had lived there since 2016 (she runs a guest house focused on games: murder party, cluedo, etc.), suggested that he go and meet the locals. Trained as journalists (Jacques works at Editions de l'Avenir), the idea of ​​a collection was born.

The first meeting was held at Villa 1900 in Waulsort (since sold). It marks the start of a journey which will lead them in the footsteps of 50 personalities, from the seven villages of the entity. “Everyone was invited to propose three other names, underlines the author. Michel Remy, the last water ferryman, a man of extraordinary culture and humor, wasoften cited. Just like Jonathan Porignaux. Everyone knows him.” The author confides: “Some really gave themselves away, with modesty of course. They told us about their lives . It's funny to see how people reinvent themselves around the age of 40-50. Many changed their lives at that time.”

The personality who had the most impact on them: Rudi Jacques, an organ builder who died shortly after the meeting. “We asked ourselves the question: should we leave it in the book or not? It was a shame to remove it: it was one of the most beautiful portraits. We left it written in the present tense. Without him there would have been a missing link.”

The book restores its letters of nobility to the entity on the banks of the Meuse. “Hastière has a bad reputation as a poor town. Stop the clichés. If wealth is not economic, it is human ! We must restore pride to the people of Hastièrois.”

Book “Hastière, faces and shores” by Jacques Duchateau and Lily Vernimmen. ©Jacques Duchateau

Belgian Deauville

During the discussions, if problems of cleanliness, incivility and isolation linked to the lack of public transport are regularly mentioned, it is above all the beauty of this pearl of the Meuse that emerges. “We are in an incredible setting, whispers Lily, who wouldn't move for anything in the world. “And he already everything: butchers, bakers, restaurants, schools, cultural center, etc. There are also a lot of artists and craftsmen. There is really a way to bring back dynamism. The inhabitants speak of Hastière with so many stars in their eyes…

At the time, many recalled, the Meuse town was a major tourist hub. “Waulsort was the Belgian Deauville between the wars. We also heard a lot about the Beach. Unfortunately, for 40 years, Hastière has been declining.”

This book, for Jacques and Lily, is a couple's project. “It brought us even closersourit Lily. And that allowed Jacques to integrate somewhere, even before occupying his new home..” Beyond the cover, the book is a gem for the inhabitants of Hastière, the region and beyond (you will certainly recognize some faces). It is also a gold mine for local decision-makers. Positive, it pushes you to escape and encourages boldness A delicate attention under the tree.

Book “Hastière, faces and shores” by Jacques Duchateau and Lily Vernimmen. The artist Koen Broucke. ©Jacques Duchateau


Unaffordable self-publishing

Initially, the couple wanted to self-publish the 300-page book. This quickly proved unaffordable. After knocking on several doors without success to obtain financial support, it was finally the Walloon Region which opened its arms to them. “Philippe Gémis, director of archives and publications, said: we are going to publish the book“, says Jacques Duchateau. It was released as part of the “Identity” series.”A first issue on Milo Dardenne appeared last year. Our book is number 2.” The publisher of the Walloon Region, Ediwall, published 500 copies of the book.

Exhibition from January 11 to 26

A photo exhibition will be held from January 11 to 26 in the large hall of the Hastière cultural center. We will discover 52 portraits and 8 landscape photos. “Every Saturday and Sunday in January, we will organize a narrated tour of the exhibition.”

An opening is also planned, to bring together the 50 participants. “What's funny is that the 4th inhabitant doesn't know the 26 and so on. This is the opportunity for them to meet.” Jacques Duchateau is the author of two other works, rather photographic, devoted to the cemeteries of Wallonia and Brussels.

The book “Hastière, visages et rives” is sold for €15 in bookstores and on the publisher’s website

Book “Hastière, faces and shores” by Jacques Duchateau and Lily Vernimmen. ©Jacques Duchateau

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