“Preconceived ideas”, private nurseries warn their employees before the publication of a survey
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“Preconceived ideas”, private nurseries warn their employees before the publication of a survey

INFO RMC. While journalist Victor Castanet is due to publish a book targeting private daycare centers next Wednesday, some of them are already preparing for this media release. RMC has obtained an email sent by one of the targeted groups to its employees.

Victor Castanet’s new book “Les ogres” will be released in bookstores next Wednesday and excerpts will be published in the newspaper on Monday. The World. After having made the EHPADs and the Orpéa group tremble, the journalist is now attacking private daycare centers. Babylou, People and baby, Les petits chaperons rouge and Les maisons bleus have all hired a communication agency to face the release of the book.

Some even communicated with their employees on Friday. In an email, which RMC was able to consult, one group warned its 9,000 employees: “You will certainly hear and read in the press attacks against private daycare centers and perhaps our company.”

Although none of the four major private groups have yet had access to the contents of the book, they are already trying to defuse the effects on their staff of the media storm that will begin on Monday.

The letter also explains that “Victor Castanet will certainly develop preconceived ideas against the sector, that news items will be transformed into generalities”. The group recommends that employees do not fall into the trap and remain calm. A scandalous communication strategy according to a leader of the early childhood staff union, Victor Castanet’s book targeting less the nursery employees than the management of the groups by their boss.

Aurore Bergé also targeted by the book

The resigning minister Aurore Bergé is singled out in the new book to be published by Victor Castanet. According to his research, the former Minister of Families was in close contact with the private daycare lobby during her time in government.

The Parisian got hold of the book and relates a passage from the book: Aurore Bergé is said to have close relations with a certain Elsa Hervy, current spokesperson for the French Federation of Nursery Enterprises (FFEC), whom she met at the time when they were both members of the UMP. Elsa Hervy held the position of parliamentary and then ministerial advisor to Brice Hortefeux, then Christian Estrosi, explains the Parisian newspaper.

Bérengère Bocquillon (with TRC)


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