Gaël Faye dominates, Baptiste Beaulieu asserts himself – Libération
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Gaël Faye dominates, Baptiste Beaulieu asserts himself – Libération

Every Saturday, an update on the public’s favorite works.

It’s not always easy to be yourself. “and no one else”. Baptiste Beaulieu, general practitioner and author, knows this. During his medical studies, he dared to stand up to a superior to demand that “Napoleon in a white coat” a little bit of respect. It’s hard not to see it partly transposed into Francisco, the protagonist of I am me and no one elsehis third children’s album, printed in 50,000 copies and in eighth place in the top sales with 3,500 books sold in one week. The boy says «oui» to do everything not to disappoint, “It’s complicated: I always feel like I have to explain why I say No”. Elsewhere in the ranking, other narrators are children: there is Milan imagined by Gaël Faye (1st), François from the Resistance network under the Occupation created by Vincent Dugomier (7th) or even the starving little girl by Sandrine Collette (19th). At the end of I am me and no one elseBaptiste Beaulieu states: “We’re the ones who decide, aren’t we?” In bookstores, especially readers.

Source : Datalib and Adelc, based on a panel of 343 top-tier independent bookstores. Ranking of new releases noted (excluding pocket books, school books, guides, games, etc.) out of a total of 94,001 different titles.


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