The 50 selected books for the 2024 Les Inrockuptibles Prize
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The 50 selected books for the 2024 Les Inrockuptibles Prize

For this fifth edition of the Les Inrockuptibles Literary Prize, the jury selected 50 works in 5 different categories: French novels or stories; first novels or stories; foreign novels or stories; essays; comics.

French novels and stories:

Legal entityJustine Augier, Actes Sud

The last days of the Socialist Party, Aurélien Bellanger, The Threshold

Sister-ship, Elisabeth Filhol, POL

Here begins a loveSimon Johannin, Allia

The collapse, Edouard Louis, The Threshold

The Lost Children’s Club, Rebecca Lighieri, POL

The open sky, Nicolas Mathieu, Actes Sud

Men lack courage, Mathieu Palain, The Iconoclast

The convoy, Beata Mother Mairesse, Flammarion

Hit the epic, Alice Zeniter, Flammarion

First novels and stories:

Higher than the Eiffel Tower, Kohndo Assogba, JC Lattès / La Grenada

Faïel and the stories of the world, Paolo Bellomo, The Tripods

Constellucination, Louise Bentkowski, Values

Challah the danceDalya Daoud, The New Attila

Mythology of the .12Célestin de Meeûs, The Underground Editions

The Coolidge Tube, Sonia Hanihina, JC Lattès / La Grenade

Escapes, Manon Jouniaux, Grasset

A thousand images of Jeremiah, Clement Ribes, Verticals

After thatEliot Ruffel, Les Éditions de l’Olivier

Blue does not damage, Anouk Schavelzon, Le Seuil

Foreign novels and stories:

Toxic season for fetuses, Vera Bogdanova, Actes Sud

The devil of the provinces, Juan Cardenas, The Atinoir

Guard dogs, Dahlia of the Cerda, The Underground Editions

The little sister, Mariana Enriquez, The Underground Editions

Five girls lost forever, Kim Fu, Heliotrope

Well-being, Nathan Hill, Gallimard

History of a domesticationCamila Sosa Villada, Metalwork

Hexes, Agnieszka Szpila, Les Éditions noir sur blanc /Notabilia

Blackouts, Justin Torres, Olivier Editions

Crying at the supermarket, Michelle Zauner, Christian Bourgois


Universalize. For a dialogue of cultures, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Albin Michel

The art of taking action, Léa Bismuth, PUF

Towards the Ecology of War. An Environmental History of Peace, Pierre Charbonnier, The Discovery

Silicon Valley, Alain Damasio, The Threshold

Ordinary Voters: An Investigation into the Normalization of the Far RightFélicien Faury, The Threshold

So the Animal and us, Kaoutar Harchi, Actes Sud

The Double. Journey into the Mirror WorldNaomi Klein, Actes Sud

Big Teeth. Investigation into a Little MisunderstandingLucile Novat, Zones

The Red Prophet. An Investigation into Revolution, Charisma and Domination, Julie Pagis, The Discovery

Admire. Praise of a feeling that makes us grow.Joëlle Zask, First parallel


My Infractus, Hervé Bourhis, Glénat

The Last One Standing, Youssef Daoudi and Adrian Matejka, Futuropolis

Philiations, volume 1, Gwen de Bonneval, Dupuis

King Medusa 1, Brecht Evens, Actes Sud BD

Impenetrable, Alix Garin, Le Lombard

The Harde, Marijpol, Atrabile

Shubeik Lubeik, Deena Mohamed, Steinkis

What they areSole Otero, Here and there

It’s Lonely at the Centre of Earth, Zoe Thorogood, Hi Comics

Despite everything I am here, Silki, L’Association

The jury is composed of: Emmanuel Hoog, Carole Boinet, Vincent Brunner, Jean-Marie Durand, Nelly Kaprièlian, Jean-Marc Lalanne, Gérard Lefort, Pauline Le Gall and Sylvie Tanette.

Neige Sinno, winner of the 2023 Les Inrockuptibles Prize for sad tiger published by POL, will chair the jury, following Lola Lafon in 2023, Christine Angot in 2022, Éric Reinhardt in 2021 and Christophe Honoré in 2020.

Find the list of French and French-speaking literary prizes

Photo credits: Seuil Editions


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