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Little Reading Champions Competition: “The Miracle of Reading”

« I was impressed only before going on stage. While reading, I was happy to read for everyone “, explain Jeanwinner of the 2024 Little Reading Champions competition.

Reading has no age. The maxim was proven true again this Wednesday, June 26 at the Comédie Française with the 12e edition of the competition for little reading champions.

From midday, there was excitement within the famous theater. First rehearsal for young CM1 and CM2 students. There were 150,000 participants this year, from 5,770 classes, an increase in the number of participants of 12% compared to last year. Mario11 years old, read an excerpt from Togo sled dogwritten by Anne Pouget at Casterman Jeunesse. The young child has a passion for manga: “ I had trouble rereading the other way after “, he admitted later on stage, provoking benevolent laughter from the crowd.

Posture and expressiveness

The author Anne Pouget gave him his last advice before his passage: “ You have to put yourself in the audience’s shoes to better tell them a story. It’s very moving for me to be read. We have the impression that our text is being given back to us. »

At 2 p.m., the ceremony began, with the children continuing the readings. Among the criteria monitored, technique, posture and expressiveness. Modulation of the voice, emphasis, whispering, gestures, gaze focused on the audience, the children amazed the audience and did honor to the stages of the Comédie Française.

The 15 little reading champions 2024 – Photo FRÉDÉRIC BERTHET

Jeanne from Brittany, read Zorageof Manon Fargetton (Milan). Blind, her fingers slid along her text printed in Braille and her voice carried throughout the room: ” They believe what they see instead of believing what they dream. They no longer listen to poets. » She will finish runner-up in the competition.

Regine Hatchondodirector of the CNL, and Nicole BelloubetMinister of National Education, intervened during the intermission to extol the merits and pleasure of reading, 16% of young people no longer reading at all according to a recent CNL study.

Europe and soon the world

The competition has resumed, Valentine from Warsaw closing the event. This year, one place was intended for a French establishment in Europe, before opening worldwide next year.

After deliberation, it is Jeanoriginally from Jaunay-Marigny in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, who won this edition after reading Diego loves Julieof Sophie Grenaud (Le Rouergue Jeunesse). “ I didn’t expect it, I thought I would come third », Reacted the child.

A day full of emotion as recalled Clementine Beauvaischildren’s author and patron of this 2024 edition. Reading aloud is a miracle in a classroom, for example. Something happens every time. »


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