In Uzès, Agnès Renard presents her book on loving and accepting yourself
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In Uzès, Agnès Renard presents her book on loving and accepting yourself

Setting out on your path of love and light is what the author, based in Lussan, Agnès Renard, proposes through her first book entitled My path of love and light.

A book between guide and sharing

In this last one “based on my personal healing journey and feelings, but not an autobiography. I talk about this feeling of being unloved that prevents us from loving ourselves and causes suffering. A feeling of injustice, which pushes us to fight all our lives”says Agnès Renard.

“Following a serious accident and a burnout, I questioned my life and myself. A long journey that showed me that it was possible to heal and that suffering was not inevitable.”she explains.

My path of love and lighta book that is both a shared experience and a guide, which this resident of Lussan has been thinking about for several years.

“For me, it was important to share this in order to help people, when reading this book, to seek their own truth, to show that you should not be ashamed to express what you feel and to stop fighting with yourself”continues Agnès Renard.

And to emphasize that however “I do not claim to provide a miracle solution. I simply want to get a message across, raise awareness and encourage people who will read my book to ask themselves questions.”.

Meeting and signing session from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Maison de la Presse in Uzès. The book, self-published, is available on the Amazon website.


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