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The “Differently, Other Words” Book Festival returns to Châlette-sur-Loing

The town of Châlette-sur-Loing and the Centre-Val de region are organizing the “Autrement, Autres Mots” Book Festival from Friday November 22 to Sunday November 24 at the Le Hangar Cultural Center. This alternative and committed book festival is open to all, it is the annual meeting to share the pleasure of reading in a space of conviviality, meetings and debates. It's also the time to explore a wide range of books that invite you to think, do and live differently. These are essentially books that build critical thinking, arouse solidarity and open horizons to imagine the possibilities of another world.

All the associations that come together to bring this festival to life share, through their commitment, this perspective that another world is possible. The “Autrement, Autres Mots” association is made up of local associations, including ACAT, Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique, Les Amis de l’Humanité, Amnesty International, Collectif Immigrés du Montargeois, Agir pour la Palestine and Femmes Solidaires. Find a program presented on the poster below!


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