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Marie traveling bookseller in Deux-Sèvres

Welcome to the Les Mots Volants bookstore! Marie Sabourin, a bookseller for around twenty years, parks her truck, called Raymond, every day in a different market between Saint-Maixent and .

It is in Fors (79) that Marie parks on this first Tuesday of November. She takes her place in the market where the butcher, the cheese maker, the beekeepers, the fruit and vegetable seller, the cheese maker are already installed, she parks near the sausage display. Funny place to sell ?

It’s nice to be where the people are. And at least that way people don't order online from Merdazone.

“I live in the countryside, I know how difficult it is to find the time to go to the bookstore, to park, to order, to come back to pick up your delivery…” It's been 4 years since Flying Words criss-cross the roads and markets in around ten towns. Here in Fors, it's the first Tuesday of the month, do people remember the meeting? You will see, the children remember it very well, replies Marie Sabourin mischievously. And at the end of the school, the children arrive, they climb the two steps, greet Marie and sit down in front of the shelves. The mothers are arriving too. She comes every month, she has 2 children aged 6 and 8. They each have the right to choose a book.

Another resident leaves with her order, 2 novels by Cormac McCarthy. She reads at night, she only takes paperback books, the others are too heavy for a long reading session. “See you next month!” Marie knows most of the customers who board Raymond. This is the name of this old fire truck whose rectangular interior she appreciates, perfect for installing shelving. She likes its brightness and then she kept the red and the reflective strips on the sides, we see it from afar and often on the Deux-Sèvriennes roads she is greeted by motorists who recognize them: her and her Raymond.

Raymond sees himself from afar and announces that the books are arriving. © Radio
Sonia Brunet

Are his books more expensive than elsewhere?

Books have been at a single price in France since 1981 and that protects us, the independent booksellers.

Marie remembers the time when she tried to borrow money from the banks, 4 closed the door in her face and then she came across Raymond, her Raymond, red and now loaded with 800 pounds for the little ones and the big ones.

Bruce reads and it's good! © Radio France
Sonia Brunet

The Mots Volants meetings: 1st Tuesday: Fors, 1st Wednesday: Cherveux, 1st Friday: Beaulieu, 1st Saturday: St Maixent, 1st Sunday: La Crèche, 2nd Thursday: La Mothe St Heray, 2nd Friday: Frontenay Rohan Rohan, 2nd Saturday St Maixent, 3rd Thursday: Promocash, 3rd Saturday: St Maixent, 4th Friday: La Mothe St heray, 4th Saturday: St Maixent.



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