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Oceans at the heart of bookstores

The La Géothèque bookstore in Nantes offers a space dedicated to the seas and oceans. Led by Benoît Albert, it attracts young and old to explore the marine world. Here we have a section dedicated to maritime literature explains the manager, highlighting works that explore the great discoveries of famous navigators like Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus. We touch on almost all kinds of works: the history of maritime empires, great naval battles, contemporary navigation, and underwater fauna “.

An interest in the playful aspect of the oceans

The bookstore offers a variety of works from historical accounts to practical books. Works on the ocean allow us to understand its aspects and its issues, whether positive or negative. , he specifies. A notable example is the exhibition dedicated to Anita Conti, oceanographer and photographer of the 20the century, which already denounced the overexploitation of the oceans. His writings and photographs highlight the hard work of fishermen, a theme that is still relevant today.

The public at La Géothèque shows a marked interest in the practical and fun aspect of the oceans. Young people are attracted to books on surfing and diving, while older people prefer books on sailboats and navigation. , observes Benoît Albert. The works of Rachel Carson, a pioneer in marine ecology, also remain very popular, reflecting a growing awareness of environmental issues.

Read also : Exhibition, meeting and tasting at the Geothèque

“Places man facing the immensity of the oceans”

It also highlights the importance of literature in education and awareness of ocean issues. Books help to situate man in the face of the immensity of the oceans , he says, highlighting various works: comics, albums, novels, and travel stories. Among the best sellers we find “Maritime Charts” by Marine Le Breton, which is a visual understanding of the relationship between ocean and land, and “To die the world” by Yann Lespoux.

Events and exhibitions organized by the bookstore also play a crucial role in public engagement. “ In November we organized an exhibition with the author of the book People of the Abyss , which features rare photos of deep sea creatures », says Benoît Albert. These initiatives make it possible to make sometimes little-known subjects accessible in an astonishing world.


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