After the success of her first novel “Méline, Michel, Maman et moi” published under the pseudonym of its author Erwen Junior by MVO editions, Patricia, former manager of the Tour grocery store in Castelnau-de-Lévis, is returned to the keyboard for other adventures. Confessing on a small cloud “to have been more marked by the announcement that my first book would be published than by having received it”, Erwen Junior “a mix of the first names of my son and my daughter”, strives to “distribute happiness to people” encouraged by the numerous requests for dedications and the good feedback from its readers. In this opus, Apoline, a Parisian high school student in the midst of an adolescent crisis, lives alone with her mother. Her world is friends! So when her mother tells her that she has just resigned from her job to settle in a remote town near Albi, her world collapses. A light, tender and humorous look at the heart of the earthquake of adolescence. And a great recognition for Patricia who admits “having always loved the French language, writing, paper, pens. It's like therapy, I never get bored if I can write.” The second opus in preparation, the fruit of his observation of the world around him, will depict a new generational conflict “where everything works out in the end”, the author's signature. In the meantime, “Méline, Michel, Maman et moi” 245 pages, €20 is on sale on all platforms (FNAC, Amazon) or on MVO éditions or at the Las Végas tobacconist in Albi Lapanouse . FP
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