DayFR Euro

Vincent and the others open up about their mental health without taboo

Bathed in subdued light, the vast cloister room of the hospital exudes serenity this Friday, October 11. Different small spaces have been set up to preserve the privacy of those who are telling their stories. Everyone speaks in low voices. You are here in a living library installed, for a day, by the Réhab network team. A library where the “books” are flesh-and-blood people that “readers” can borrow.

A short-term loan: 30 minutes maximum. Enough to understand that those whose mental health is fragile, who rise and fall again, cling to a job or to loved ones, have a lot of courage. Starting with coming to deliver a chapter of their history.

“Many people like me self-stigma”

Vincent is one of the library books of the day. As a teenager, he had a hard time grieving, kept everything to himself and withdrew. Something just broke. The student that he was loses a little…


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