The selection of the 2024 Feel-Good Novel Prize
DayFR Euro

The selection of the 2024 Feel-Good Novel Prize

Launched in 2019, the Feel Good Novel Prize celebrates literature that allows us to escape from reality, from “ to make us smile, laugh, travel, dream… the books that have enriched us, nourished us, carried us away or (re)made us want to reach out to others, perhaps to embark on an adventure. » It is organized every year in Fontvieille (Bouches-du-Rhône), in order to create links between writers and readers, Paris and Provence.

After an initial selection announced on September 12, the prize organizing committee will organize the presentation under the Grande Halle de Fontvieille, at the same time as the signatures of the winner and the writers present. The winner will succeed Paul Saint Brisdistinguished in 2023 for Lightening the varnish (Ed. Philippe Rey).

This year the jury is composed of:Olivia de Lamberterie, Laure Adler, Emilie Freche, Franz-Olivier Giesbert, René Fregni and five readers from Fontvieille. The former Minister of Culture Francoise Nyssen is also a guest of honor.

The selection

  • The unknown woman in the portrait of Camille de Peretti (Calmann-Lévy)
  • From the same wood of Marion Fayolle (Gallimard)
  • My mother’s life! of Magyd Cerfi (Actes Sud)
  • Facing the slope of Cecile Reyboz (Denoël)
  • Bungalow of Julien Blanc-Gras (Stock)
  • Master Soho’s Last Tea of Cyril Gély (Arlea)
  • Indian Summer of Joel Baque (P.O.L)
  • The Kennedys’ Cook of Valerie Parturaud (The Stopovers)

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