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the edition launches a platform to facilitate adaptations

EXCLUSIVE – The Civil Society of French-language Publishers unveils Figaro Shoot the Book !a unique project in the world aimed at helping producers find more literary nuggets to bring to the screen.

From the adaptation of the 2018 Goncourt Prize Their children after them (Actes Sud) by novelist Nicolas Mathieu, in cinemas on December 4, in the series A devoted friend on HBO Max on October 11, inspired by the investigative book The Mythomaniac of the Bataclan by Alexandre Kauffmann (editions Goutte d’Or), including Dumas’ classic, Le Comte de Monte Cristo which is close to 9 million entries since its release at the end of June… The appetite of producers for stories from publishing continues to grow over the years. And often results in better chances at the box office or record audiences on streaming platforms and on television.

« Faced with the boom in market for adaptations of literary works we now hope that the world of books and the audiovisual world, ultimately very closely related, can develop a common language »confides Philippe Robinet, general director of Calmann-Lévy. With his hat as president of the Civil Society of French Language Publishers (Scelf), the publisher of Pierre Lemaitre, Guillaume Musso, or Camille de Peretti, announces Figaro the creation of the « first major online platform intended to film, series and television producers, looking for future projects ».

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