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After the launch of his book, Gino Chouinard dives into the void

When Gino Chouinard left Hi Hello last June, it was a real leap into the void. His departure, which sparked a wave of emotion, nevertheless proved beneficial: he found a way not only to go where he was not expected, notably by presenting a comedy act at ComediHa!, but also to offer us a book entitled 3800 mornings. In this work, the author returns to the highlights of the morning show and opens up like never before about his life as a couple with Isabelle, and his life as the father of Marilou, 17, and Nathan, 15. No, Gino hasn’t finished surprising us!

• Also read: Gino Chouinard reveals the extravagant gift he gave himself for his 50th birthday

Gino, since you left Hi Hellohave you had the opportunity to explore new areas in your career?

Yes, I presented a comedy act at ComediHa!. I agreed to do it because I had already participated in a bien-cuit. In a well-cooked dish, there is a context, an atmosphere. At first, I wanted to move away from Hi Hello, but, ultimately, all that came to mind were stories related to the show, its impact on my life, etc. So that’s what I talked about in my issue, that authors helped me write. I had to break it in, but I ran out of time. I presented it for the first time at the Grand Théâtre de Québec in front of 2000 people…

Paul Ducharme / TVA

So you didn’t have a safety net?

No. Once on stage, when the curtain rose, I felt in a strange state… I asked myself why I had accepted this invitation. In the end, I think it went well. People seem to have enjoyed my act. It really touched me. I also reconnected with my old loves this summer by hosting an episode of Make yourself at home, on Radio-Canada radio. I was made certain offers in recent months, but I was not ready to accept them at the time. I believe the real break will come in the next few weeks, after the book launch. I don’t have the slightest idea what I’ll have on the agenda next January, but that’s what I wanted. I wanted to dive into the void.

In the meantime, you found time to write a book, 3800 mornings.

Yes, with Nicolas Forget, a colleague from Salut Bonjour. One day, my son asked the artificial intelligence: “What should my father, Gino Chouinard, do after hosting Salut Bonjour for 17 years on weekdays?” Believe it or not, the answer was, “First, take a vacation, and second, write a book.” (laughs)

Incredible, nonetheless!

I didn’t take a vacation, but I accepted a contract with Les Éditions de l’Homme. When I animated Hi HelloI never had time to step back. In writing the book, I found it interesting to go back, to remember what the show crew and I had done, and the impact it had on my life. I was able to relive events and think about them differently, with my today’s perspective. Writing this book was the best rereading of my journey to Hi Hello. The more I wrote, the more I put personal elements and emotion into the text. This is how the book took shape.

Give us an idea of ​​the stories that make it up.

I tell you about the good times and the bad times, the notable interviews as well as the shocking interviews. I have received extraordinary testimonies over time. And Hi Hello has been a fantastic transmission belt! Some artists who came to the show later thanked me for allowing them to sell thousands of show tickets or albums. However, it wasn’t thanks to me, it was thanks to the Hi Hello channel. It is also about my relationship with the public and with my family. The last year has been particularly eventful. I bet on things that I hadn’t told; for example, I didn’t want to bring up the sleep problems or the demanding schedule. I wanted to take people somewhere else. I explain more behind the scenes, behind the scenes.

It’s a great way to end this adventure.

Indeed, but it had to happen quickly. I had to sacrifice part of the spring and summer to finish the book, which was more back-breaking work than I expected. I am only beginning to taste the result. I also concluded my preface by writing: “Come what may!” This represents my departure from Hi Hello. It’s also the title I gave to my issue at ComediHa!. (laughs)

What important moments stick in your memory?

There are the secrets of my team, our laughter, the memorable interviews and the very touching meetings. In the book, I also show the impact that Hi Hello in people’s lives, by presenting interviews that changed the path of some people. I did not censor myself. I also reflect on the fact that I was known for being a very cheerful host. It’s true that I’m smiling, but sometimes I had personal issues with my children or in my life as a couple. I made my girlfriend read these more personal passages. We removed one or two things that were too intimate, but I wanted to demonstrate that our life as a couple hasn’t been like a walk in the park every day.

We suppose it took mutual understanding and respect.

Yes, and we succeeded, but we had to give ourselves tools, as a couple. We consulted, discussed in depth, started doing activities together again — activities that we no longer did because the schedule did not allow us to do so. Even though Captain Sourire was on TV every morning, life was not always easy. At the same time, Salut Bonjour allowed me to forget certain parts of my personal life which were sometimes intense. For a few hours, I experienced happiness with the audience at home. But it took effort and, sometimes, it was more difficult. It’s interesting that you agreed to talk about this aspect of your life, you who are so discreet by nature. I did it because one in two couples, maybe more, will go through difficult times. We got through it. I wanted to tell people that I hadn’t been spared from that, that I went through that. Isabelle and I are still together today. It sends a message: yes, things may be bad, but it’s not necessarily the end. There are solutions. Moreover, in this book, I address infertility and the adoption of my children. Adoption was able to meet my need to have a family.

Adopting still allowed you to change two lives.

I had this perception at first, but then I realized that it was actually a selfish gesture. I didn’t do it to save children, but because I needed them to carry out my life plan.

How do you see the future?

I want to have fun. This is what motivated my 21 years Hi Hello: I wanted to have fun. I worked a lot, but I didn’t have that impression. I don’t think I chose this profession out of lack or emotional dependence. That wasn’t my motivation. I wanted to do a job that excited me, and I found the relationship between the public and me fascinating. For the future, it could be radio, TV. I have the privilege of being able to take a few months off, but I know full well that many people are not so lucky.

Over the years, you have received several honors.

There were 14 Artis, and also the Medal of the Member of the National Assembly. Since I left Hi Hellopeople ask me about my projects. I want to find a new way to enter their house. I hope to maintain the connection I have with them.

For those who would like to see you, do you still give lectures?

Yes, I have time to do it. My conference What do you mean, impossible? tells my journey. I’ve had my share of pitfalls. People only see the good part, but there were 10 or 11 difficult years before we got there. I should have given up, but something told me I had to keep going. I did small jobs here and there, like cleaning houses, but it was barely enough to earn a living. After 10 years of trying to work in this profession, I was going to re-enroll in college in another field. I tried one last time, and my career finally took off in earnest.

You wanted to drop out during the summer. Did you manage to take advantage of it?

I went to my mother’s house in Estrie two or three times. It’s my anchor. I spent a week in Gaspésie, with family, with my parents-in-law. I went salmon fishing with my son. We didn’t catch any fish, but it was a great week. After the public whirlwind of the last few months, I needed to find some calm. This trip to Gaspésie was magical!

How did you experience seeing everyone participating in the start of the school year, but not you?

I didn’t feel excluded at all. My decision was thoughtful, mature. Plus, the book has kept me quite busy until now. On the other hand, I still have the reflex of wanting to deal with certain subjects, of wanting to invite people to the show. I have to think differently. I miss my morning friends. I managed to move on, to watch Hi Hello like a viewer. I was received there, and I felt like a guest. It’s Eve-Marie’s place now. I don’t want to play the mother-in-law who comes back into the picture to give their opinion. Ève-Marie has taken over and she is extraordinary! During the first weeks, when everyone in the house was already asleep, I went to bed at midnight or 1 a.m., and I swear I felt wild! (laughs) I was doing something I never had the chance to do before, and I loved it!

It was also back to school for your children. Is everyone happy in their field?

Yes, Marilou is in CEGEP in natural sciences with strong math. She wants to open as many doors as possible. She is interested in social services, health, and marketing. Nathan is in secondary 3. Recently, I went to drive him to basketball practice at 7am. I spent an hour watching him play, sipping my coffee. I liked that. This is one of the rewards of the change I made in my life.

The book 3800 morningspublished by Éditions de l’Homme, is now available in bookstores. To hear Gino in conference, contact Orizon at



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