DayFR Euro

A day of old and second-hand books that resists

Marilyne Hernandez has been organizing this event around old and second-hand books for twenty-two years now. The manager of “The Doors in celebration » notes a weakening of participants for a profession that is in danger of disappearing. “ Some booksellers have aged and no longer come “, she laments. “ This year, ten booksellers are expected. From year to year we lose participants. But we want to maintain this event which is close to our hearts. Today, there are between one hundred and eighty and two hundred old bookstores left in France. It is a profession of passion and commitment. »

Like every year at Pentecost, “ The Doors in celebration » will therefore put the spotlight on exceptional booksellers, including the Quillet bookstore which has been participating in this adventure since the beginning. Old, modern, rare or out-of-print books, but also works concerning regionalism, history, literature, esotericism, arts, philosophy, travel, archeology as well as illustrated journals, comics for children and adults will be exposed. The restoration of ancient works and bookbinding will also be represented.

Free admission


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