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scandal surrounding a book in the running for the Goncourt high school students

A work “with pornographic and psychologically dangerous content” : the SOS Education association sounds the alarm in a letter, which the JDD was able to consult, addressed to Prime Minister Michel Barnier, but also to the Ministers of the Interior, of National Education (and his delegate minister responsible for Academic Success and Vocational Education), and Culture. After recalling the school’s mission, a priority decreed by the new government, the association alerts the public authorities to one of the fourteen books in the Goncourt Prize selection studied by 2000 second year high school students: The Lost Children’s Clubby Rebecca Lighieri (POL editions, August 2024).

The incriminated work is widely cited and its extracts would make the lively scenes from the works of Bruno Le Maire seem like innocent little things. Some eloquent examples [attention, langage cru] : “my wife straddles me without waiting for me to be fully erect, putting her cock, index and middle fingers in my pussy. Anyway, that’s it, I get hard and she removes her fingers.”. « She likes it when I hold her like that, and from the way she wriggles against my cock, I can tell she wants anal penetration. As long as I prepare it, of course […]. I should be happy that she likes anal. This is far from the case for all women, and I know many who don’t even want to hear about it. Or rather, yes, they want to talk about it, but certainly not take action. »

Shortly after, the descriptions become even more explicit [âmes sensibles s’abstenir] : “Once again, I enter her ass, previously lubricated and worked with vigorous rotations of the index finger. My glans is already knocking against I don’t know what, a crenellated and spongy protuberance – and I feel that it wouldn’t take much more for me to cum, but obviously, I hold back and wait for it. I wait for the change in his breathing, but also for the imperceptible click that I have learned to listen for when I am in his ass, this moment when the sheath tightens around my penis, the voluptuous bulge of his mucous membranes, immediately followed with a deep pulsation that tells me that this is it, I can go there, join her and finish with her. »

Page 53, a dialogue repeats the bestial interpellations with which pornographic scenes are customary: “Pound me, suck your fingers, stroke yourself, come sit on my mouth, squeeze hard, feel me, you’re going to make me spit, lick my nipple, squirt inside me, take it, look how I’m your female dog, pull my hair… It’s funny, the way erotic dialogue takes place within a couple. »

“The reader witnesses over 400 pages a succession of detailed sexual acts, scatological and sadomasochistic practices”

“The rest of the book is worse”

No more quotes: the pages from which these sentences are taken shocked “Robin”, the pseudonym of a 14-year-old boy, a student in a class participating in the Goncourt high school students. More than fifty high schools participate each year in the Goncourt des lycéens, recalls SOS Education, explaining how the prize works, noting in particular that “no authority verifies the appropriateness of these readings for school and minor audiences. »

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It was therefore through Robin that the association was informed: “His parents were the first to alert us”she indicates in her letter. “Reading pages 50 to 54, Robin is in shock, in a state of astonishment. Refusing to continue, he spoke to his mother who immediately noted that this book was, to say the least, unsuitable for her son’s age and inappropriate in a school setting.relates the letter which denounces “a dangerous and traumatic read”. “The rest of the book is worse”exposes SOS Education: “the trashiest and most risky practices (without a condom obviously) are exhibited […] Over more than 400 pages, the reader witnesses a succession of detailed sexual acts, scatological and sadomasochistic practices. » Seven pages of appendices complete the letter by citing the book extensively – we will spare

Incestual environment and suicide

Darker still, “the story develops against a backdrop of adolescent depression, regular consumption of drugs and alcohol, and self-destruction which leads the main character to plan his suicide on his twenty-seventh birthday. Unfortunately she does not fail and dies by hanging on the date she has set.the association is indignant.
She is also upwind against the “permanent and trivialized incestual environment” of which she lists the examples: “if it is presented as transgressive, it is never condemned. »

“In this fiction, everything that is structuring for an adolescent is undermined. The boundaries essential to the construction of the psychosexual identity of the main character, with whom young readers will not fail to identify, are pulverized, develops SOS Education. Sexual intimacy is not respected, as is the boundary between generations. »

While “suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents, with contagion effects in youth groups […] proposing a work in which the heroine only finds suicide as a solution to her unhappiness is particularly inappropriate. »

Robin did not emerge unscathed from his reading, although it was reduced to the first shocking pages, continues SOS Education, which exposes the “post-traumatic disorders” that he endured: “enuresis, insomnia, sleepwalking, panic attacks and high anxiety, difficulty returning to class, change in behavior…”

“The educational institution is not aware” of the risk

“For the educational institution to put such a work in the hands of adolescents in the midst of puberty upheaval and the discovery of sexuality amounts to incitement to debauchery and psychological abuse. Or even endangering others”thunders Sophie Audugé, general delegate of the association and signatory of the letter. “Obviously, the educational institution is not aware of what such a story can produce on adolescents. Nor the risk of contagion through identification with the main character which could encourage seriously depressed young people to act out. »

National Education provides “a form of moral guarantee” by putting this book in the hands of a high school student, “which he will understand as a deaf and unhealthy initiation”worries the spokesperson for the families.

“By having its students read a book that relies on the same principles, the School gives credence to the techniques of the porn industry, when it should act as a bulwark. By trivializing the scope and risks of pornography, the educational institution goes against its educational role and endangers its students. »

The amazing responses from teachers

To parents’ questions, teachers gave surprisingly light responses: “It is not porn, because the author does not aim to excite the reader. » ; “I warned them that some scenes are a little crude” ; “I told them that they do not have to read these passages. » The courier sees it as “serious incompetence” and challenges them point by point, judging the author’s presumed intention to have no effect on the pornographic nature of the work, denouncing the lawsuit in “sentimentality” of certain students, and challenging the hypocrisy of the possibility of “skip passages”Who “do not rule out the danger”…when it doesn’t arouse curiosity.

“We ask you to act immediately”intimates the missive. Whether she read the books without seeing any danger or whether she did not read them, the educational institution “committed a mistake that endangers the students”estimates the association. She calls for immediate action on the selection of books and with parents and children by “preventive or remedial measures”and to create a book selection committee for the next editions of Goncourt des lycéens.

The letter ends with a question: “At a time when National Education is stubbornly insisting on making sex education compulsory and transversal education, it is up to you to answer directly the following question: Does such a book studied in class correspond to the he objective set by the Higher Program Council in these terms “the second class explores the tensions between the intimate and the social”? » Cherry on the cake, “it is useful to bring to your attention that the author of this work is also a high school French teacher”snaps Sophie Audugé, the signatory of the letter.


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