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Literary café and lounge: books and meetings in Touget

The Libre de Lire association, which manages the Touget library, is planning a new literary café on Saturday October 5 at 6 p.m. Ô Ti Touget. If the first meetings were free from discussions on each person’s readings, for this one, a theme was chosen. It will be “Anger”, in all its forms.

The Sunday October 13the association’s volunteers are organizing their second Book Fair. Indeed, the results were very positive last year, both for readers and writers, many of whom expressed the desire to return this year.

As the association wishes to renew itself, around forty new participants responded this year and will welcome the public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Ferme de la Culture in Touget (Free entry). Among these, writers, including several local ones, public writers, booksellers, but also illustrators, and publishers, will take the time with everyone to present their profession, their works and will be able to sign their books. You can find several genres there, children’s literature, adventure or detective novels, history, science fiction, comics, manga… Visitors will be able to meet Morgane Lascours, 19 years old. , former Tougétoise, who has already written her first novel!


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