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The Great Strange Homelands, by Guillaume Sire: the miracle child

CRITICAL – A love story between two totally dissimilar beings, which runs throughout the first half of the 20th century. Poignant.

It’s a wonderful love story. But a strange love story between a hypersensitive man, ready to sacrifice everything, and a woman who nothing seems to affect. This strange relationship, unbalanced and hopeless, troublesome, almost frightening. If the novelist Guillaume Sire, author among others of the formidable Before the long red flame and the astonishing The Foothills had not accustomed us to talking about passion, it explodes here like the heart of Joseph Portedor the first time he glimpses Anima Halbron. He, the withdrawn little boy, whose father had promised to return from the war but who never came back, brooded by an inconsolable mother, will be fascinated by his neighbor, a little piano virtuoso, a merciless kid with a past that is also painful. : his brother died of the Spanish flu. She is Jewish and anti-Semitism reigns in in the 1920s. But for her, Schumann will save the world, his romanticism will conquer dry hearts and with them the Nazis…

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