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Sophie de Mullenheim puts herself within reach of children

She is one of the 2024 winners of the Youth Historical Novel Prize. It’s already the third time – for her – at the Rendez-vous de l’histoire de . This year, Sophie de Mullenheim is celebrated for her work entitled Joséphine Baker, resist!

A highlight of her work that does not leave her indifferent: “ It’s important that my little children’s novels are selected in an event like this. This gives them real credibility. »

After studying business – because she wanted “working in book marketing” –Sophie de Mullenheim applies to a publishing house. And that’s where his destiny changed: “I came across a fabulous human resources director. Rather than doing marketing, she steered me toward editorial. »

A real work of a historian

Sophie de Mullenheim quickly developed a passion for writing, opting for children’s journalism through three magazines: Bouton d’or, Maximilian or even distant land. “These experiences allowed me to have a certain confidence. »

Writing children’s novels requires a lot of work. “The first question I ask myself is: what would I have liked to read at that age? Then, I do a lot of research on the theme: that’s what takes me the most time. »

In short, a real work of a historian! “History is a subject that has always interested me, even if I don’t remember dates”smiles the fifty-year-old.

And it was only afterwards that Sophie de Mullenheim started writing: “Writing must be done in short sentences, without writing short meaning… with less vocabulary. »

“You must immediately capture the child’s attention”

The author continues: “The most important thing for me are the first three chapters. You must immediately capture the child’s attention. I also try to have a little suspense at the end of each chapter. In summary, we can’t listen to ourselves write! »

Sophie de Mullenheim wrote about the character of Joséphine Baker (1906-1975) as the subject of her latest book. “I immersed myself in his life, and I discovered his past. » When the Second World War broke out, Joséphine joined the Resistance as an agent for the secret services of Free .

Its missions: to transmit confidential information, for example by hiding it in its musical scores! “I discovered lots of twists and turns in her past as a resistance fighter,” relates the author. A 170-page book that she will present at the Rendez-vous de l’histoire de Blois, Saturday October 12, 2024, from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

to be continued

Saturday October 12

> 10 h-10 h 45, When we arrive in France – history of immigration, with Jean-Michel Billioud, author of “When we arrive in France – history of immigration” (Casterman). From 13 years old.

> 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., My city in green! Create your city! Workshop, Maison de la BD, with Sophie Rohrbach, illustrator of “Hari and Indira” (L’Élan vert). From 6 years old.

> 11 h 15-12 h 15, Telling the story in comics – the making of emotions, With Jean Bulot and Aurélie Luneau, authors of “The Libération – chronology and stories” (Gallimard jeunesse). From 13 years old

> 14 h-14 h 45, The pioneer animals of space, with Anne Pouget, author of “Laïka, cosmonaut dog” (Casterman). From 8 years old.

> 14 h 30-15 h 30, Letter from a furry man to his family, workshop, at the Maison de la BD, with Tristan Pichard, author of “Léon, 1916” (Octopus fictions). From 10 years old.

> 15 h-15 h 45, Josephine Baker, with Sophie de Mullenheim, author of “Josephine Baker, resist!” » (Fleurus). From 9 years old.

> 17 h 15-18 h 15, Resilience and injustice – the story of Martin Julius Crow JR, with Christophe Léon, author of “Missié” (Éditions d’eux). From 12 years old.

> 18 h 30-19 h 15, The history of female art in comics, with Marion Augustin, author of “The History of Feminine Art”, in comics (Casterman). From 10 years old.

Sunday October 13

> 10 h 15-11 h 15, Julius Caesar conquers Gaul,

with Xavier Mauduit, journalist and producer at France Culture and Olivier Blin, author of “Julius Caesar, the conquest of Gaul” (Actes Sud-Inrap editions). From 9 years old.

> 11 h 30-12 h 30, Travel to : experience the history of the capital from antiquity to the present day! with Yohan Dubigeon and Jean-Baptiste Dutoya, authors of “Paris through the ages” (La Martinière). From 8 years old.

> 14 h-15 h, Our funny Neanderthal cousins,

With Sylvie de Mathhuisieulx, author of “Mammoths in the Valley” (La Nuée bleue editions). From 10 years old.

> 15 h 15-16 h 15, When the street tells us stories,

with Alice Babin, author of “Rue Bilal-Balazar” (Albin Michel Jeunesse). From 5 years old.

> 16 h 30-17 h 30, Once upon a time in sport, with Xavier Mauduit, journalist and producer at France Culture and Valérie Delattre, author of “Once upon a time sport” (Actes Sud-Inrap editions). From 9 years old.

All meetings take place in the youth area of ​​the Book Fair unless otherwise indicated.


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