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Femina Prize: discover the second selection

The ladies of Femina met on October 1 to establish their second list of French and foreign novels, as well as their first list of essays.

Who will succeed Neige Sinno and his book Sad Tiger (POL)? The ladies of Femina met on October 1 to narrow down their first selection around ten novels and establish their list of essays. We find authors already in the running for the big fall prizes. Among them, the unmistakable Gaël Faye, who competes for the Goncourt, the Grand Prix du roman de l’Académie française and the Renaudot.

We also note the names of Miguel Bonnefoy present in the list of Renaudot, the Grand Prix du roman de l’Académie française and the Médicis; Christophe Bigot in the running for the Décembre and Les Deux Magots prizes, Hélène Gaudy is competing at the Goncourt and Antoine Choplin at the Renaudot. Finally, Julia Deck appears in the Medici and Décembre selections.

The novels

Hotel Roma, of Pierre Adrian (Gallimard)

Pretty evil, d’Emma Becker (Albin Michel)

Another is waiting for me elsewhere, of Christophe Bigot (La Martinière)

The Jaguar’s Dream, of Miguel Bonnefoy (Shore)

The Land of Nowhere, of Doan Bui (Grasset)

The Boat of Masao, d’Antoine Choplin (Buchet Chastel)

Ann from England, of Julia Deck (Threshold)

Jacaranda, of Gail Faye (Grasset)

Archipelagos, d’Hélène Gaudy (Ed. de l’Olivier)

Berlin for them, of Benjamin de Laforcade (Gallimard)

Foreign novels

In the evening of Alexandria d’Alaa The Aswany (Actes Sud, trans. Gilles Gauthier)

Question 7 of Richard Flanagan (Actes Sud, trans. Serge Chauvin)

L’Invisible madame Orwell d’Anna Funder (Héloïse d’Ormesson, trans. Carine Chichereau)

Well-being of Nathan Hill (Gallimard, trans. Nathalie Bru)

Maniac of Benjamin Labatut (Grasset, trans. David Fauquemberg)

So little of Marco Lodoli (P.O.L, trad. Louise Boudonnat)

On the island d’Elizabeth O’connor (JC Lattès, trans. Claire Desserrey)

Long Island of Colm Tóbin (Grasset, trans. Anna Gibson)

Own d’Alia Trabucco Zeran (Robert Laffont, trans. Anne Plantagenet)

Hugs d’Anne Michaels (Basement, trans. Dominique Fortier)

The tests

Stand your ground, of Paul Audi (Stock)

Legal entity, of Justine Augier (South Acts)

We need an elsewhere that does not exist: re-enchanting travelof Lucie Azéma (Allary)

Literature pays! d’Antoine Compagnon (Ecuadors)

Gestures of women, of Sophie Coste (Philippe Rey)

MeToo vertigo: finding balance after the new sexual revolutionof Caroline Fourest (Grasset)

An excessive desire for friendshipd’Hélène Giannecchini (Threshold)

A man’s bodyd’Olivier Haralambon (First parallel)

Ten versions of Kafka, Maïa Hruska (Grasset)

Agrophilosophieof Gaspard Koenig (The Observatory)

The end of the conversation?of David Lebreton (Metailié)

Attachments: investigation into our bonds beyond the humanof Charles Stépanoff (The Discovery)

Admire: praise of a feeling that makes us growof Joel Zask (First parallel)

The Femina Prizes (French, foreign novels and essays) 2024 will be announced on November 5 at 1:00 p.m., in the Orangerie Room of the Carnavalet Museum.


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