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Reda Amalou shares her vision of architecture!

Algiers recently welcomed Reda Amalou, a renowned architect who came to share his unique vision of architecture during a presentation at the Benyaa Art Gallery in Bir Mourad Rais. With humility and passion, Amalou has captivated a diverse audience, made up of architecture students and professionals in the field, by sharing some of his projects around the world.

Indeed, on Monday April 29, the famous architect Reda Amalou hosted a conference in Algiers, during which he revealed his fundamental philosophy and conceptual approach, highlighting the need to design spaces that integrate harmoniously into their environment while meeting the needs and aspirations of people who will use them.

The Benyaa Art Gallery served as the ideal backdrop for this exceptional encounter between architecture and art. Surrounded by an attentive and passionate audience, made up of students eager for knowledge and experienced architects in search of inspiration, Reda Amalou was able to create a dynamic and stimulating dialogue, where ideas circulated freely and where perspectives were enlarged. In this effervescent atmosphere, the boundaries between the past, present and future have blurred to make way for a collective exploration of the infinite possibilities offered by contemporary architecture.

In short, Reda Amalou’s communication at the Benyaa Art Gallery was much more than just an event: it was a celebration of creativity, innovation and passion for architecture. Through her words and projects, Reda Amalou reminded everyone of the vital importance of architecture in our ever-changing world and infused everyone with a new dose of inspiration for the challenges ahead.

After the communication, Reda Amalou led a most enriching interactive workshop with 4th year students from the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning (EPAU) from the workshop of Mohamed Adel Souami, architect and lecturer at the within the same establishment. This special moment offered a unique opportunity for students to benefit from the expertise and inspiration of an internationally renowned architect. With generosity and kindness, Reda Amalou took the time to share her experience, advice and thoughts with this new generation of budding architects, thus nourishing their passion and motivation.

At the house of MLM architect, office of architect Mohamed Larbi Merhoum in Algiers, this workshop came to life in a setting conducive to creativity and reflection. In this dynamic environment, students had the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and benefit from valuable feedback from Reda Amalou. This moment of exchange was marked by an atmosphere of collaboration and camaraderie, where the boundaries between teacher and students blurred to make way for an open and constructive dialogue.

For the students present, this meeting with Reda Amalou represented much more than a simple learning opportunity: it was a real Source of inspiration and motivation for their future career in the world of architecture. By sharing his successes, challenges and aspirations, Reda Amalou not only enriched the students’ knowledge, but he also sowed the seeds of a renewed passion for this noble profession.

Reda Amalou during the interactive workshop with students.

Who is Reda Amalou?

In the field of architecture and design, Reda Amalou stands out as an emblematic figure, brilliantly merging his Franco-Algerian roots and his cosmopolitan background. A graduate of the University of East London in Great Britain, he founded the architectural firm AW2 more than two decades ago. Driven by a passion for transforming space into an emotional experience, Reda Amalou has extended his artistic footprint across the globe in more than forty countries.

Indeed, Amalou’s philosophy transcends disciplinary boundaries, uniting architecture and design in a common quest for sensory stimulation. Each of the artist’s creations is steeped in story, capturing fragments of childhood memories in Algeria, tumultuous experiences in London and inspiring adventures around the world. This narrative richness unfolds with striking fluidity in his architectural projects and in his collections of furniture and art objects.

Inspired by the aesthetics of the 20th century, Reda Amalou shapes his creations by paying particular attention to materials, favoring texture, richness and liveliness. Its balanced approach between tradition and modernity pays homage to craftsmanship and celebrates multiculturalism, infusing each space with a unique atmosphere imbued with authenticity.

AW2, towards Fusion architecture !

The AW2 agency, founded in 1997 by Reda Amalou, is today an international reference in architecture and design. With offices in Paris and Montpellier in France and a partner office in Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, AW2’s footprint spans several continents. In 2022, the agency inaugurated a new office in the heart of Geneva, thus consolidating its presence in Switzerland and affirming its commitment to architectural excellence on a global scale.

In each project, Reda Amalou and her associate, Stéphanie Ledoux, infuse their unique vision and expertise, personally engaging in each stage of architectural design. Their dynamic partnership guides the agency to new creative heights, while maintaining an unwavering commitment to innovation and quality.

With projects in 45 different countries, the agency has built internationally recognized experience for the design of high value-added projects. Moreover, the agency’s work has been awarded numerous times, including a MIPIM Best Hotel Award for the Six Senses Condao, a Build Architecture Award for “Best International Architecture & Design Studio – Paris” as well as four nominations for the AFEX Grand Prix for French Architecture for Export with the Six Senses Condao in Vietnam, the Lycée Français d’Amman in Jordan, Àni Private Resort & Art Academy in Sri Lanka and Kasiiya Papagayo eco-lodge in Costa Rica.

Reda Amalou’s work extends beyond geographical and cultural boundaries, embodying a harmonious fusion between traditional heritage and contemporary vision. His lasting impact in the field of architecture and design is a testament to his ability to transcend convention and redefine the art of space for generations to come.

Farid Benyaa Gallery, a sanctuary of Art in Algiers!

In the heart of the heights of Algiers, nestled in the Bir Mourad-Rais district, is the Benyaa Art Gallery, an artistic gem where each space resonates with expression and wonder. It is in this enchanting setting that Reda Amalou shared her architectural vision during a memorable communication. Directed by Farid Benyaa, renowned architect and visual artist, the gallery is much more than just an exhibition space: it is a true haven where the past, present and future meet in a visual symphony.

Moreover, Farid Benyaa’s artistic journey is an odyssey across diverse horizons, imbued with a deep sensitivity for cultural heritage. Its flagship exhibition, “The Bay of Algiers, El Bahdja”, eloquently reveals the architectural and urban landscape of the Algiers capital in its smallest details. Through his works, visitors are invited to travel, discover and admire the splendor of the city, enhanced by the incontestable talent of Farid Benyaa.

Each of his works is a window open to the soul of Algiers, capturing the very essence of this emblematic city. The winding streets, majestic monuments and moments of daily life are immortalized with remarkable artistic finesse. Under the masterstroke of Farid Benyaa, the beauty and cultural wealth of Algiers unfold in all their magnificence, inviting spectators to dive into the heart of its history and its unique identity.

Within the Benyaa Art Gallery, each visitor is invited on an introspective journey, through which they can contemplate the past, meditate on the present and imagine the future. Art thus becomes the common thread of an intellectual and emotional exploration, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur to give way to an immersive and enriching experience.

Reda Amalou with Farid Benyaa.


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