DayFR Euro

a feeding department seen by photographers

Fields as far as the eye can see, pond peaches in the morning glow, cattle by the dozen… The “Nourishing Landscapes” photo competition, launched by the Council for Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment (CAUE), in partnership with the Department of Indre and the Chamber of Agriculture, inspired thirty-four amateur photographers.

Among their 95 photos, the jury selected 20, revealed Monday April 29, at the end of the CAUE general assembly. In July, the photos will be exhibited at the Chamber of Agriculture, before traveling across the department in a traveling exhibition. “Mayors have already expressed their interest to us”appreciates Jérôme Labesse, director of the CAUE.

Manon Lhopiteau, 20, from Neuvy-Pailloux, took this photo in a field next to Saint-Valentin. “I also presented a field of sunflowers for this competition. »
© (Photo NR, Gaspard Mathé)

“This competition allows us to highlight places where we live, whose beauty we do not necessarily realize.continues François Daugeron, president of the CAUE. Whether you are in Brenne or Berry Champagne, in spring or winter, there is always photographic interest. » Nicolas Pailloux, president of the Chamber of Agriculture continues: “It is interesting to remember that, for the most part, these beautiful landscapes have been shaped by agricultural and human activity. »

Jean Zucchet won the Indre “Nourishing Landscapes” competition with this very graphic aerial photo.
© (Photo NR, Gaspard Mathé)

The winners: Jean Zucchet, 1er ; Wolfgang Frink and Denis André, 2are ex aequo ; Christelle Ahnine, Mélanie Andrade, Thomas Bourbon, Florence Bourdeix, Aurélie Brunet, Manon Lhopiteau, Charline Marion, Isabelle Martinet, Françoise Morin, Antoine Nivet, Frédéric Parmin, Josette Plisson-Saulnier, Amandine Bernard, Alvaro de Oliveira, Marie Gantet, Laurent Lepoitevin and Christine Rethoré.


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