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An inclusive book fair for everyone at Quillio on October 6

SpaVer22 is on all fronts to raise public awareness about chronic and disabling invisible illnesses. After a national day dedicated to this cause on November 4, 2023 in Merdrignac, it is organizing an inclusive book fair on Sunday October 6 at Quillio. The theme of the day will be “Words to soothe our pain”. “It’s a general public book fair for adults but also young people. The idea is to address everyone while raising awareness,” underlines Karyn Le Goff, president of SpaVer22. Writers, children’s authors, illustrators, publishing houses… around forty stands will be available to discover on site. So there will be plenty to pick at and do your shopping. Don’t miss Ghislain Fernandez, author of fantasy novels; Coralie Caulier, former actress and novelist; Marie Murski, writer and poet; Amandine Jung, illustrator; Corine Valade, novelist; Pierre Martin, author of thrillers or even Jean-Paul Le Denmat who has just released his seventh work: “It was snowing ashes over ”.

Ghislain Fernandez has been writing heroic fantasy books for ten years (SYLVIE BLEAS LHOMME)

Activities and conferences

Furthermore, the program of conferences and events promises to be extensive. With Coralie Caulier, the youngest will be invited to practice sophrology, without realizing it, by listening to a “sophro story”. Quite simply. Session at 11 a.m. for 4-6 year olds, 11:20 a.m. for 7-9 year olds and 11:40 a.m. for 10-12 year olds. In the afternoon, from 1:30 p.m., Jérôme Lucas, author, will speak during a conference on the interest of testifying, leaving a trace. At 2:15 p.m., Héléna Saint-Bertin, disability representative at SpaVer22, will talk about invisible disability in society, then from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., escape game by Mélanie Bantignies for children aged 7 to 10. At 4:05 p.m., it will be the turn of Dr. Jean-Baptiste Seigneuric to speak on the plague epidemic of 1720. The opportunity to discuss the lessons of history 300 years before covid 19. The day will will end with a conference on “domestic violence” (physical, verbal, psychological) with Christelle Naulet.

1,400 members

SpaVer22, created in 2021, today has 1,400 members, around a third of whom are Breton. The association’s main mission is to help and support people suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis and Verneuil’s disease, without forgetting general public awareness and prevention. She has set up a 24/7 telephone hotline in order to be as close as possible to people.


Book fair, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the village hall, Le Quillio. Also on site, raffle, games and refreshment bar. The parking lot at the village hall will be reserved for people with reduced mobility. FREE ENTRANCE.


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