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Martel. Book Festival: a successful 7th edition

Organized by the Désir de livres association, the 7th Haut-Quercy Book Festival took place on September 12, 13, 14 and 15, in magnificent locations in Martel and the surrounding area.

The inauguration took place on Friday evening in the wonderful setting of the Mirepoises cloister and continued with a meeting with Violaine Bérot, godmother of the festival, around “Pastorales”, with the participation of Clément Bouscarel.

Saturday morning, at Maison Lachièze, after a wonderful reading by Florian Choquart, Olivier Liron, author of “The Strategy of the Sardine”, gave an irresistible demonstration of butoh dance.

The readings continued in the afternoon in Creysse. First at the Creysse mill, on the banks of the Cacrey, where in front of nearly a hundred people, Angélique Villeneuve spoke about her moving novel “Les Cielsfururs”, the story of an 8-year-old little girl confronted to the forces of death and who resists thanks to the lucidity and dazzling of childhood. Then at Rouquet, in the Bouscarel barn, with two readings by Florian Choquart of “Rousse”, the valiant vixen imagined by Denis Infante; and Elizabeth Masse with “La Femme île” by Jean Darot.

Sunday morning, the cold morning (4th Sunday morning) did not discourage the public from attending the round table in the hall bringing together the six authors and then authors. Then the discussions continued at the Domaine du Bougayrou with the traditional picnic, to music with the Emosa duo, before listening to the last reading. It was “Wild Lives”, by Daniel Fohr, an irresistible novel at once funny, mischievous and serious, which enchanted us.

“It was a very nice edition, a lot of people and a lot of new people,” concludes, delighted, President Pascal Leroy, who worked hard to hold this festival.


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