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Readers and authors brought together thanks to Livres à vous

The first edition of Livres à vous was a success, Saturday September 21 and Sunday September 22, at the Bernard-Fabre cultural space, transformed into a book fair for the occasion. Organized by the municipality and Maryline Bultel, of the La Magie d’Isis bookstore, in Beaucaire, with the participation of the municipal library, the edition brought together around thirty authors. They presented and signed their works, in a wide literary range, between social novel, thriller, science fiction, dystopia, romance, manga, comics, poetry, youth… At the opening, the mayor Patrice Planes, surrounded by his advisors and Maryline Bultel, inaugurated this new literary meeting. The moments of meetings and exchanges lived up to the expectations of both authors and readers. Conferences, workshops and an exhibition by the Le Crayon et le Peinture association also enlivened these two days. “We must convey culture. It is our freedom to exist in society”indicated Maryline Bultel. Sharing around the same passion punctuated these two days. “The essential was achieved. The authors were satisfied with the friendly welcome and the enriching contacts they established with the readers. The public appreciated the diversity of literary genres and the possibility of discussing with the authors on the books they bought”added Gérard Jimenez, member of the culture commission in charge of the project and writer. By all accounts, a book fair to be repeated next year

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 33 29 86 07.


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