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The Saint-Ouen library sells books… to buy a scooter


Olivier Bacquet

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 5:05 p.m.

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In media library jargon, we call this “weeding” : the sorting that is done among the collections of books to put aside those which are no longer in tune with the times, or no longer in demand, in order to make room for new releases.

This “weeding” will be the subject of a sale at a very low price, this weekend in Saint-Ouen (): the local media library is selling several hundred books or magazines less than €2 (up to 50 cents, even).

Thousands of books on the shelves

It must be said that with more than 10,000 books on the shelvesand 2,000 more in the reserves, the Saint-Ouen media library is particularly well equipped.

And despite the beautiful spaces it has, “making room” regularly proves essential.

The organized “library sale” Saturday September 27 and Sunday September 28 is, however, unprecedented in several aspects.

This is in fact the first time that the Saint-Ouen media library has put books taken off the shelves on sale.

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A unique project in the region

” Usually, some books are simply crushedunderlines media librarian Marie-Elise Saguez. Others, in good condition, are put in reading boxes, or in the recycling centers of Abbeville or Condé-Folie. »

This sale at such a modest price should make it possible to give a second life to many books. It will also raise funds for a project that is close to the heart of the media library, and which is also unique in the region…

It is a scooter of this type that the Saint-Ouen media library wants to buy. ©-tourisme

“We want to acquire a scooter,” announces Marie-Elise Saguez.

A scooter for a media library ? This original idea (which has already been implemented in other regions) has been running through the media librarian’s mind for some time.

The spirit of the ice cream sellers of yesteryear

“It came from confinement,” she confides. This period has changed the habits of many people. And while we managed to get a lot of people back into the media libraries, it was more difficult for young people and older people. »

After this observation, a solution emerged: it was necessary meet these audiences who passed through the doors of the media library less easily. By organizing demonstrations, or participating in local events, which Marie-Elise Saguez does not fail to do.

With the scooter, the media librarian wants to go further.

It’s a bit of the spirit of the ice cream sellers of yesteryear that we will find: these itinerant ice cream parlors whose arrival was always impatiently awaited.

Marie-Elise Saguez, media librarian in Saint-Ouen

Several projects actually revolve around this scooter, in particular the delivery of books to the home, which is valuable for people with reduced mobility.

“It will also be used to go beyond the walls, offer storytelling walks, bring different audiences together…”

Outings with schoolchildren?

Many other ideas could come to fruition. “The school regularly organizes bike outings. We can accompany with the scooter, offering activities around the book. This could also be implemented with the leisure center, with the IME…”

Great projects that could see the light of day in the coming months, no later than summer 2025. It takes around €4,000 to acquire such a scooter.

This weekend’s library sale will not be enough, but state aid exists. And the municipality should follow.

Library sales at the Saint-Ouen media library (everything for less than €2), Saturday September 28 and Sunday September 29 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Information on 03 22 39 00 90.

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