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Léna, whose life changed at 7 years after cancer, comes to sign her book


Editorial Saint-Malo

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 4:07 p.m.

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When everything changes at 7 years old, having cancer as a child : this is the title of the two-volume testimonial book written by Léna and her mother Christelle.

A brain tumor

The young woman recounts her fight against illness at the age of 7, when she was in CE1. “Doctors diagnosed him with a cancerous tumor in his cerebellum 11 years ago. To save Léna, they had to cause a stroke,” explains Christelle, her mother, who lives with her daughter in Sainte-Luce-sur- (44) near .

“Léna found the path to recovery in 2018, but suffered some after-effects following her stroke. She is still undergoing rehabilitation. » In high school, the 18-year-old young woman fights to get her classmates to change their views on disability.

“Accept your life test”

“The first volume, published in 2021, addresses Léna’s illness and recovery with her child’s words and my mother’s perspective. The second volume, released in 2023, immerses us in her life as a teenager with a motor disability, who must accept her life ordeal. »

A charity sale

Each volume will be on sale for €10 during the Lions Club Book Fair organized in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine) this weekend.

Videos: currently on Actu

The proceeds will be donated to the associations Enfants cancers santé (for the benefit of research against pediatric cancers) and P’tits doudous (to improve the well-being and experience of children undergoing surgery).

Sale/signing on Saturday September 28 and Sunday September 29, 2024 during the Lions Club Book Fair, at the Paramé annex town hall, in Saint-Malo.

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