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Students from Gay-Lussac in selected to elect the 2024 Goncourt prize for high school students

Thirty-one second-year students from the Gay-Lussac high school in have the privilege of having been selected to the jury for the 2024 Goncourt high school students prize. A great responsibility and a lot of work for students ready to devour novels.

They have no time to waste, because in mid-November, they will already have to choose the book they preferred among the 14 works in the running this year.

Being elected the Goncourt prize for high school students is the assurance of numerous sales for an author, so Gay-Lussac students will have to show off their critical spirit.

“Everyone is delighted to participate, there are several books on different themes and writing styles. The debates, the meetings with the authors, it’s interesting,” rejoices Manon, in the middle of a reading session at the CDI.

14 books is a lot, we realize that, but we try to play down the drama.

“I really like reading, especially classic literature, and I am very happy to participate in this Goncourt prize for high school students, because I am discovering different authors,” says young Léon.

Already selected in 2019, this is the second time that students from the Gay-Lussac high school in Limoges have been asked to vote for the Goncourt high school students prize.

Prepare the tank at the same time

“14 pounds is a lot, we realize that, but we try to play it down. Each book will be read by several students, but ultimately, it is a choice of the whole class. There are big and small readers in the class, but everyone must have read at least two,” assures Amélie Rouveron, the high school librarian.

Participating in this competition is also an effective work support for these students.

“We are going to do lots of activity around the Goncourt Prize,” predicts Sabine Herquin, their French teacher. “We are going to work on contemporary novels whose vocabulary is more current, but also detective novels, or others which talk about family, society… We are preparing for the French baccalaureate next year, so we will work on ‘writes to analyze texts, but also oral expression, in front of others, to describe their feelings and what they liked. Knowing that there are also oral exams for the baccalaureate. »

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The same books as adults

The 14 books are preselected for this Goncourt prize for high school students are the same as those for the Goncourt prize for adults.

In addition to the hundreds and hundreds of pages of novels to read, this second class at Gay-Lussac will experience an end of year punctuated by the Goncourt prize for high school students.

A meeting is planned with the writers on October 7 in , before the class vote in mid-November.

The regional deliberations will be held on November 25 in , before the national jury which will meet on November 28 in .


Ruben Barrouk, All the noise of Guéliz ; Thomas Clerc, Museum of the 21st century ; Sandrine Collette, Madelaine before dawn ; Kamel Daoud, Houris ; Hélène Gaudy, Archipelagos ; Philippe Jaenada, Casualness is a beautiful thing ; Maylis of Kerangal, Surf day ; Etienne Kern, The better life ; Emmanuel Lambert, No respect ; Rebecca Lighieri, The Lost Children’s Club ; Thibault de Montaigu, Heart ; Olivier Norek, The Winter Warriors ; Jean-Noël Orengo, You are the Führer’s unhappy love ; Abdellah Taïa, The Bastion of Tears.

Anaîs Denis, Sabine Herquin and Amélie Rouveron, professors and librarian.

ranck Jacquet


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