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Meeting-debate with Fabien Lebrun, “Digital Barbarism. Another story of the connected world”

Meeting-debate with Fabien Lebrun, “Digital Barbarism. Another story of the connected world”
Tuesday October 8 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Quilombo Bookstore
23 rue Voltaire, 11th, m° Rue des boulets or Nation).

The Quilombo bookstore invited Survie for a meeting-debate with Fabien Lebrun, who will present his new book “Digital barbarism. Another story of the connected world” (Éditions L’évaée). A relentless investigation into the tragedy experienced by the Congo, the heart of digital industries and the object of all desire.

Fabien Lebrun will present his book Digital barbarism. Another story of the connected world (Éditions L’écuée) from 8 p.m. in the Quilombo bookstore.

The presentation of the book by Fabien Lebrun will be followed by a debate and an exchange with the audience.

23 rue Voltaire, Paris 11th, m° Rue des boulets or Nation)

Presentation of the book Barbarie Numérique, Quilombo, October 8

Foreword by Denis Mukwege

Preface by Alain Deneault

From the 1990s, the explosion in the production of electronic goods, characteristic of capitalism’s transition to its digital stage, triggered a war of technological metals in Congo (DRC) which has only increased in intensity. This in-depth investigation shows that dematerialization is indeed a myth. It feeds on limitless extractivism in regions, like that of the Great Lakes in Africa, which have suffered the ravages of globalization for centuries: from the slave trade to the colonial terror of Belgian King Leopold II (for “rubber”). red” necessary for the automobile industry) to current blood minerals including coltan essential for smartphones and cobalt for the energy transition. The civilization of the screen is synonymous with digital barbarism which manifests itself in Congo through: a militarized economy and institutionalized crime, widespread looting, forced labor, rape as a weapon of war, the destruction of forests and annihilation of biodiversity… So many disasters which make the Congo one of the greatest tragedies in contemporary history, the high price to pay for a connected world.

CP Barbarie Numérique


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